Selected articles for topic: online social network services
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What is a Social Media Coordinator? | Andrew Grojean
What is a Social Media Coordinator?
When I tell my friends and family that I'm a social media coordinator for a digital marketing agency, I usually receive a polite smile and nod, a look of confusion or questions about how I play on Facebook all day.
I understand the confusion. The position of social media coordinator didn't really exist when I started college five years ago. I...
Related topics : social media coordinator / using social media marketing / interview questions for social media marketing position / social media network marketing services / social media marketing job interview questions
Disadvantages - Social Media in Education - Google Sites
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Despite the positive impacts that social media has had on education, there is always room for improvement. In today's society, we are faced with the problem of differences between generations X and Y. Generation Y consists of the younger generation, or students, who grew up embracing the web 2.0 technologies with great enthusiasm. On the other hand, Generation X, the older...
Date: 2017-03-02 09:10:29
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