Selected videos for topic: market social media
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Social Media Marketing Certificate
This ten-week program will fully develop your hands-on marketing skills, with deliverables to include an updated marketing strategy, integration of all communications, in-depth discussion and implementation of social media and how it can enhance your market position. By gaining a full understanding of social media marketing, you will be able to better assess and engage your customers, stakeholders, and employees.
Registration Details:
Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 to Tuesday, November 20th,...
Related topics : integrated marketing communications social media / marketing through social media
How to be a Social Media Manager - Interview with Lasse Rouhiainen
How to be a Social Media Manager
Interview with Lasse Rouhiainen on how to become a Social Media Manager and offer video marketing and Facebook marketing services to local businesses
From: Lasse Rouhiainen
Related topics : social media management services / social media marketing services / manage social media / marketing through social media / social media media
How Social Media is Changing Retail
Zach Lancia, senior marketing analyst at SnapRetail, discusses social media and it's impact on the retail environment.
From: MuseumsandMore
Related topics : social media changed marketing
Video Killed the Radio Star - but will Social Media Kill Email Marketing?
Video Killed the Radio Star - but will Social Media Kill Email Marketing? The answer may surprise you!
A recorded version of the presentation Murray Cowell gave at the SotonDigital event in Winchester on 25th May 2012.
Find out more at
From: Inbox Income
Related topics : social media marketing events / marketing through social media
Social Media: The Rising Star for Your Digital Marketing Strategy
It's finally happened, social media has grown up and sold out. And it's awesome. For digital marketers, the maturing advertising options on social networks have created a huge opportunity to reach and engage audiences in a way that has never been possible. Tune into this webinar to learn how social media fits into your digital marketing strategy, what advertising options are available, how to reach your target audience, how to measure your results, and what you'll need to be successful.
From: Marketo
Related topics : social media marketing strategy / social media network marketing
Food Business Innovation: Using Social Media
This video introduces viewers to the practice of using social media networks as a tool for conducting market research for food businesses. Advantages and disadvantages to social media market research are discussed, followed by how engagement measures, such as "likes" and "shares" can be used to analyze consumer mindset. Finally, several examples from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are highlighted.
From: Penn State Extension
Related topics : advantages and disadvantages of using social media for market research / using social media for marketing research
SMO - Social Media Optimization Revealed
Expand your Brand Reach, Intensify Engagement, Promote New Customer Acquisition, Ignite Customer Loyalty and Let your Brand Sizzle in Social Media!
Social media optimization is a task-intensive online marketing effort. It requires daily hours of interacting with prospects. SMO can be a full-time job on its own. Don’t let it distract you from your core business.
From: KAFE Inc.
Related topics : social media marketing optimization services / social media branding for business / social media online marketing / social media engagement / promotion social media
Looking for Fall Social Media Inspiration?
This fall don't stop short of creating the best social media campaign. Watch Valerie Jennings, CEO of Jennings Social Media Marketing, as she gets your creative juices flowing with social media ideas and inspiration. Take a peek at the beautiful Overland Park, Kansas Arboretum and its autumn beauty while learning how to take the first step towards planning a successful campaign launch this fall. Beautiful waterfalls, vibrant colors and amazing wildlife light up the screen while Valerie...
From: MichelleJPRA
Related topics : creative social media marketing ideas / creative social media campaign ideas / social media marketing campaign plan / social media marketing companies / social media marketing websites
Part IV Advanced Social Media Presentation - Implementation Phase Putting Marketing Package Together
Part IV Advanced Social Media Presentation for Medical Community Implementation Phase Putting Marketing Package Together
From: Internet Marketing Choice
Related topics : social media marketing package / marketing through social media
Social Media Marketing
social media marketing
From: Javier Morales
Related topics : market social media / social marketing