Social media marketing MEETUP Discussion 06

Social media marketing Discussion with entrepreneurs, business persons, professionals, and students - by expert faculty Jyotindra Zaveri

Nice to see participants asking questions to Jyotindra Zaveri in this MEETUP on topics such as , LinkedIn group, facebook group, post engagement, Paid Advertisements, Digital signature.

Contact Jyotindra Zaveri, Social Media Marketing. ERP and IoT Consultant & Trainer. Ex-IBM. Computer Engineer (Germany). IT Professional since….1975. WhatsApp +91 95529...

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From: Jyotindra Zaveri

Related topics : social media marketing consulting / social media platforms for business / social media consultant / social media advertising examples / social media platforms list

Master Your Profession: Luz Urdaneta, MA e-Marketing and Social Media

MA e-Marketing and Social Media student Luz Urdaneta explains how the Master's degree is helping her pursue her ambition of starting a digital marketing agency in her native Venezuela.

For further information about postgraduate Business courses at Middlesex please visit

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From: Middlesex University

Related topics : social media marketing master's degree / social media help

Expert Interview: Aurélien Blaha, Social Media's Impact on Competitive Intelligence

- The importance of Social Media for Competitive Intelligence and Market Intelligence

- How does Social Media evolve the work of CI/MI professionals

- How to stay up-to date

Next Workshop: Social Media Monitoring & Analysis, Paris, Sep 23, 2014

Discover critical intelligence in social media sources


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From: GICI Institute for Competitive Intelligence GmbH

Related topics : social media intelligence / social media impact on marketing / social media analysis / monitoring social media / social media expert

How social media changing

I attended a lecture by a social media manager and he was explaining the latest trends in the social media world - how social media platforms are currently performing, which social media platforms are dying out and how somebody can build up their online presence. So let's start thinking more about marketing, let's start thinking more about public relations and how we can boost our social media exposure. Let's get those brands big!

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From: iHaveProblems

Related topics : latest trends in social media marketing / social media brand management / manage social media / social media branding / social media online marketing

Digital Marketing Training Course by DSIM

What you learn in digital marketing training course- SEO, PPC, web analytics, social media marketing, lead generation, email marketing, affiliate marketing and more.

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From: Delhi School of Internet Marketing

Related topics : digital media marketing courses / marketing through social media / social media analytics / social media courses / social media training

Florist High Definition Video

Florist high definition video. Promote your florist business with social media marketing. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more. Find out how to rank on Google and major search engines with social media marketing.

Call 888-828-9826 or visit us online.

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From: TheSocialmediava

Related topics : search engine marketing social media / marketing through social media / definition of social marketing / social media promotion / social media in business

Media Marketing Agency | Creative Media Agency in Dubai : Call +971 4 4211568 :Dubai based Agency offering Public Relations, Social Media, Digital Marketing, Web Development, Mobile Applications & Branding

Social Media Marketing Agency

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From: Mac Denial

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Social Media Marketing Pricing Our social media packages will cultivate a social media portfolio that will pay dividends in the form of loyal, connected customers.

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From: Rico Monsanto

Related topics : social media marketing package / social media social media

The Social Gurus - Why choose social media marketing?

In a world filled with different types of marketing and adverting it's easy to get lost, so here's a few reasons why you should choose social media marketing.

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From: The Social Gurus Limited

Related topics : marketing through social media / world social marketing / world media marketing

Social Media Marketing

social media marketing

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From: Javier Morales

Related topics : market social media / social marketing