Cincinnati Social Media + Internet Marketing Event #SIMEngage
SIM Engage (Social +Internet Marketing Engage) is a one-day event that will inspire, energize and educate marketers in the latest and most important topics in Social Media and Internet Marketing.
Brought to you by Boot Camp Digital, SIMEngage brings industry leaders to Cincinnati, Ohio where they'll share the latest and greatest in social media and Internet marketing.
Our goal is simple:
To connect the marketing community with leading experts in social media and internet marketing to create a...
From: Boot Camp Digital
Related topics : social media internet marketing / social media marketing agency / social media engagement / social media expert / social media in education industry
Social Media and Public Affairs with Ben Finzel of Widmeyer Communications
Integrating social media into public affairs campaigns is the topic of this social media video featuring an interview with Ben Finzel, Senior Vice President and public affairs practice lead at Widmeyer Communications
Ben shares his expertise built on more than 20 years of experience in public affairs. Produced October 2009 by Mary Fletcher Jones and David Hyson for Conversations in Public Relations.
From: PRConversations
Related topics : social media public affairs / social media campaign / social media integration
Women and Social Media
Porter Novelli's take on women and their usage of Social Media
From: Porter Novelli
Related topics : social media
VeeV Influencer Social Media Response
Sizzle reel showcasing the effectiveness of Influencer giveaways on Social Media.
From: Sharie Lawless
Related topics : media and social influences
Search and Social Media Marketing 1
Search engine and social media marketing classes at Microsoft Store, Fashion Square Mall, Scottsdale AZ. One hour free classes covering Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Blogging, Content Optimization, Google Places and Search and Social advertising. Daily Deal sites and Mobile Text marketing.
From: Michael Kristiansen
Related topics : search engine marketing social media / marketing through social media / social media content / social media media
Social Media Marketing in India | Brandboyz
Social media marketing in India is developing fast and is an important component of the strategies of online marketing companies. Now a day’s companies are investing a lot of time and money in taking out definite plans to make their marketing strategies successful as it is considered as one of the most effective ways of marketing. A well planned and systematic approach will help to stay focused on the goal.
Visit here for more information:-
From: Brand Boyz
Related topics : top social media marketing companies in india / social media marketing plan definition / social media marketing strategy / social media marketing firm / digital media marketing strategy
Microsoft Dynamics Marketing - Social Marketing
With Microsoft Dynamics, social media marketing is no longer a goal on itself. It becomes part of your multi-channel marketing strategy to create brand awareness and to generate leads. This video demonstrates how Microsoft Dynamics Marketing helps you create multi-channel campaigns, including outbound channels such as email, webinars and traditional media. You can amplify those programs with social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social channels such as your favorite industry blog;...
From: Microsoft Dynamics
Related topics : microsoft social media marketing / marketing through social media / microsoft social media strategy / social media branding strategy / blogs and social media
The DOs and DON'Ts of Social Media In The Workplace {Global Visibility}
The Dos and Don'ts of Social Media in the workplace can vary! Do you post on Facebook or Tweet while you're at work? I know you do! We all need some guidelines to help us manage Social Media on the job. The rules are pretty simple: Is it kind? Is it true it? Is it necessary? Is it helpful? But in case you need more specifics, here are five dos and five don'ts of social media in the work place.
From: Nikki Woods
Related topics : post social media guidelines / social media help / manage social media / social media jobs / social media media
Social Media Aggregator - What social media sites do you happen to use on a daily basis? How could this little desktop aggregator be improved upon? Only your support will lead to further development of this collection of IFRAMEs. Yes, customization could be possible.
From: Chris Pirillo
Related topics : social media aggregator / social media sites / social media social
Locye @ LaunchCMU: Smart Cities May 25, 2016
Locye: A Location Based Social Media Platform
Sajjad Mustehsan
Zainub Mustehsan
Locye is a social media platform that lets you post content that is visible to people near your current physical location and lets you see posts made by others near you.
From: CMU Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship
Related topics : location based social media platforms / social media content