1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop - Mumbai

Kiran Sonkar Testimonial for 1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop Conducted on 1st Nov 2014 By Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute.

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From: Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute

Related topics : social media marketing institute in mumbai / marketing through social media

Media Planning Guide For Media Buying Pros | Cheap Advertising | Social Media Marketing

http://thumbnailmediaplanner.com/ - The Thumbnail Media Planner is the perfect media plan guide and marketing consulting tool to assist advertising agencies, advertisers, media reps for media planning and more with their media buying.

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From: thumbnailmediaplan

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Understanding social media in China

"Social media is exploding worldwide, and China is leading the way" with the world's most active social-media population and the fastest growing platforms. Uncle Advertising presents an overview of social media platforms in China.

Uncle Advertising is a full service agency providing creative advertising solutions, digital marketing and social connectivity strategies for brands in China. For more information, please visit our Linkedin company page Uncle Advertising, follow us on Twitter...

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From: Shanghai Uncle-ad

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Supercool Creative Online Video Production, Strategy, Social Media, PR and Influencer Marketing

Supercool Creative Agency www.supercoolcreative.com Online Video Social Media PR Influencer Marketing & Advertising for some of the coolest brands, businesses and startups on the planet.

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From: supercoolcreative

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What are the benefits of Social Marketing?

Remember social media and social marketing is different than prior forms of communications and building customer relationships. It is all about dialogue and relationships. Social media is not about just putting messages and advertising out and in front of customers. It is a bout creating an environment where customers can speak with one and with you, the brand

You can connect with LiveWorld at:

LiveWorld Twitter: https://twitter.com/LiveWorld

LiveWorld Facebook:...

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From: LiveWorld

Related topics : benefits of social media marketing / marketing through social media

2015 B2B Video Content Marketing Survey Results

The Web Video Marketing Council, in partnership with ReelSEO and Flimp Media, has released its fourth-annual Online Video Marketing Survey Trends Results.

The report provides valuable trends data and insights into how B2B companies are using online video for sales and marketing, including branding, lead generation, social media, mobile marketing, email marketing, search marketing and paid online advertising.

Some of the other topics covered in the report are the number of videos produced,...

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From: Flimp Media Boston

Related topics : social media online marketing / social media marketing companies

1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop - Mumbai.

Abhishek Surve's Testimonial for 1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop Conducted on 20th Dec 2014 By Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute.

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From: Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute

Related topics : social media marketing institute in mumbai / marketing through social media

1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop - Mumbai

Vandana Rupe's Testimonial for 1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop Conducted on 20th Dec 2014 By Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute.

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From: Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute

Related topics : social media marketing institute in mumbai / marketing through social media

1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop - Mumbai

Tejal Jagtap's Testimonial for 1 Day Facebook Marketing Workshop Conducted on 1st Nov 2014 By Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute.

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From: Social Media Marketing & Advertising Institute

Related topics : social media marketing institute in mumbai / marketing through social media

Digital Marketing Strategy for Small Business 2017 – Best Tips

As a business owner or a marketing person your only aim is to attract new customers and grow your business. So we laid simple digital marketing strategy plan for you. So you can include this strategy in your marketing plans, implement it and measure its performance and make changes according to it. Here are some digital marketing channels that you can use in 2017 for growth in business.

• Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

• Content Marketing

• PPC Advertising

• Social Media...

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From: Cubewires

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