Professional Social Media | Company Social Media

Social media provides a great opportunity to establish your personal brand. Caution should be taken for professionals and companies to establish credibility and positive reputations. Google + and Linked In are the networks that are best for professional individuals.

Using these platforms correct isn't easy- there are some guidelines that will help guide you along the way & give you the greatest return on your time spent.

1. Establish...

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From: wsimilton

Related topics : social media internet marketing / social media marketing companies / social media branding / social media content

5 Steps to Creating an Effective Social Media Strategy

According to Forbes, 78% of consumers say that the posts made by companies on social media influence their purchases. A strong social media strategy is a must for any business plan in 2015. The 5 Steps to Creating an Effective Social Media Plan webinar teaches companies how to create an effective plan for their social accounts. This webinar outlines a strategy that equips companies with the tools they need to find new customers and expand their audience.

As the Marketing Director for...

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From: Kyle White

Related topics : companies that use social media marketing effectively / social media planning tools / using social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media content

PRI 2015 seminar: Social Media in Record Time

Do you know that 43% of small businesses dedicate six or more hours per week to social media? While it’s important to engage for social visibility and key connections online, we all want to do more in less time. This session explains how to save time and get back to what you love to do – running your business. Constant Contact's Erin Bemis covers tips for saving up to ten hours a week managing social media; simple ways to find usable, relevant content for your posts; how to integrate your...

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From: Performance Racing Industry

Related topics : social media small business tips / social media engagement / social media content / manage social media / social media promotion

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis by

Social Media Monitoring, Online Demographic Analysis, Community Engagement, Reputation Metrics & Reports by

Rankur is useful for digital PR, marketing researches, online reputation management (ORM) and more.

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From: rankurORM

Related topics : social media analysis online / social media online reputation management / online reputation management orm / online reputation management monitoring / social media reputation management

Social Media Research and Analytics - India

Skitsol is a social media research and analytics organization based out of New Delhi, India. It helps brands understand social delight and factors influencing it by understanding conversations on social media. This can be used to get product feedback, employer brand insights and to do customized research on specific campaigns.This goes beyond the conventional sentiment analysis and helps a brand derive actionable insights by understanding conversations on social media.

Social delight is a key...

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From: Skitsol

Related topics : social media online reputation management / social media brand management / brands using social media / research social media / social media analytics

Brands and Social Media Participation; United Breaks Guitars

Established brands are struggling with how to engage with customers in a social media world. Join brand consultant Jay Milliken as he discusses the real cost of waiting to participate in social media.

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From: Coreography Webcasts

Related topics : social media branding / social media participation / social media media

Social Media ROI Tips How to Measure

Social Media is not a blue hole and can be measured. Since mid-1990's social media continues to make an impact on how businesses communicate. It has moved from hits, likes and connections to real time engagement with today's customer for a business, brand or service. Providing quality content that is valuable to the buyer in the sales/buying cycle is a key success factor. First step is setting goals with specific objectives that you want social media to achieve. Keep in mind that with...

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From: Denise Zonca

Related topics : measuring social media roi / social media changed business / social media tips / social media platforms for business / successful social media campaign

Social Media Workshop for Small Business Owners | Listening & Engaging In Conversations

Social media is similar to face-to-face networking. It's about listening, creating conversations and building trust and relationships. It's not about chasing numbers of followers or likes, it's about the number of meaningful conversations and strong new connections you create.

Find out more about how I'm helping small businesses to grow their business with social media here:

Do you have any questions or comments? Leave a comment here on contact me via


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From: Lenka Koppová

Related topics : social media for small business / social network for small business / social media engagement / social media help

Getting Started in Social Media - Part 2 [Small Business Tutorial]

In the second half of this Social Media tutorial, we look at ways to grow your social media presence including deciding on a brand voice, engagement strategies and how to measure your impact. We also hear from a range of small business owners as they share their tips for using social media.

For more tips and advice check out

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Related topics : social media small business tips / social media small business strategy / business using social media / social media tutorial / social media engagement

Social Media Engagement Rules

social media engagement rules

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From: Be-Creative

Related topics : social media rules of engagement / social media social