Mini Session: What Is Social Media? Adopting a Different Mindset for More Meaningful Results

Ben Smith, Callahan Creek

Does your approach to social media align with your customers' needs and expectations? Are you delivering value in how you engage with consumers online or simply cluttering their social media feeds? This mini session answers these questions and outlines a unique approach to build and manage a successful social media community.

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From: petstorepro

Related topics : social media community manager / manage social media / online social media / social media engagement

Social Media Monitoring in Action-Napa Earthquake

Presentation given on 2/27/15 for the IAEM Emerging Technology Caucus

Now that you've learned the basics of finding information using social media channels, learn how monitoring and engagement work during actual incidents. Our speaker, Jennifer Lazo, managed local Red Cross social media networks and organized a group of digital volunteers following the August 2014 earthquake in Napa. This webinar will share examples of how intelligence gathered from Social Media was acted on, as well as...

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From: IAEM Emerging Technology Caucus

Related topics : monitoring social media channels / social media information / social media intelligence / social media engagement / social media basics

What is SMO? How Can Social Media Optimization Increase Your Business?

Serious About Marketing? Visit our website to learn more: or call us at: 877-341-9289

Check out our packages and give us a call to discuss your mobile strategy:

Learn valuable insights and statistics to engage your visitors. Learn how to gain visibility in front of your target audience, examine your competition and receive a social media strategy guide. ...

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From: Greg Maestro

Related topics : social media marketing optimization services / social media optimization strategy / social media marketing firm / social media audience engagement / social media solutions

Managing Multiple Social Media Profiles + FB & Twitter Competition Analysis.

Handling the social media accounts of your clients can be tough. With Mondovo, it doesn't have to be. Once you login - - you get instant social media analytics for Facebook and Twitter that give you an in-depth view of how well your social media efforts are doing, so you can run with what is or change directions. More importantly, spy on your competitors social pages and compare their stats on engagements, followers, fans and much more.

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From: Mondovo

Related topics : social media twitter / manage social media / social media analytics / social media engagement

Social Media Marketing Tutorial - How to Promote Your Business on Twitter

Social Media Marketing Tutorial - How to Promote Your Business on Twitter

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Welcome to day 3 of our social media video series: Social Media for Small Business!

Over the past 2 days we have talked about using both Facebook and YouTube & web video to engage your target market and create meaningful connections. Today we are going to talk about another fantastic way to create strong connections and build relationships with your...

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From: Internet Marketing For Small Businesses

Related topics : social media marketing small business / social media marketing tutorial / companies that use social media marketing effectively / social media promotion / social media audience engagement

Choosing Internal Yammer Ambassadors at Nationwide

When Nationwide integrated Yammer, the company knew it would improve communication and work flow among its employees.

But in getting employees to use Yammer, the company needed ambassadors who understood the purpose of social media within an organization, says Nationwide’s Niki Burke.

This clip is excerpted from a Ragan Training video, “Creating a social army: Engage your employees to be social intranet ‘Yambassadors.’”...

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From: Ragan Communications

Related topics : social video marketing / integrated marketing communications social media / social media marketing companies

Learn LinkedIn's Secrets to Social Media Success

The rules of engagement in B2B marketing are meant to be broken! Use your brand to build a high value social media network. Utilize your social media channels to distinguish yourself so that you are not left behind and your brand becomes irrelevant. In this webcast series, we will bring you tips on basic principles of building your high value network on LinkedIn.

Increase your Professional Brand & Build a High Value Network on LinkedIn

Ensure that your professional presence is strong What it...

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From: Employer Healthcare & Benefits Congress

Related topics : social media brand building / social media network marketing / brands using social media / social media branding / social media basics

Social Media, Civic Engagement and STEM Education

Scott Robertson is Professor of the Information and Computer Sciences Department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM). In this episode of Research in Manoa with Jay Fidell, Scott shares his work on social media, civic engagement and the importance of a well-rounded education for STEM students.

ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm every weekday afternoon, Hawaii Time, then streaming earlier shows through the night. Check us out any time for great content...

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From: ThinkTech Hawaii

Related topics : social media engagement / social media education for students

Debunking Social Media Myths: Bad Reviews Will Ruin My Business

In this weeks episode of Social Media Wednesday, Sarah Giometti of +Provaro Marketing  and I will debunking the myth that your business will be ruined by bad reviews if you engage in social media.


Please watch: "2016 Web Design Trend – Moving Images Called Cinemagraph"



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From: Simple Biz Support

Related topics : social media marketing trends 2016 / social media in business

Social Media Marketing Tutorial - How to use Pinterest for Business [UK]

Social Media Marketing Tutorial - How to use Pinterest for Business

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Welcome to day 4 of our social media video series: Social Media for Small Business!

Thank you for joining us today as we continue to learn about different ways to effectively connect with our target audience. So far, we have covered the benefits of using Facebook, YouTube and Video Marketing, and Twitter. Today, we will be discussing effectively using Pinterest to...

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From: Internet Marketing For Small Businesses

Related topics : social media marketing small business / benefits of using social media for business / social media today / social media audience engagement / social media social