Selected videos for topic: social media social media
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Strategy First (2/16): A Raise of Hands
This presentation is available on Slideshare at: (
After showing the social media revolution video (also in this playlist), Holly asks some questions to the Corpus Christi small business owners about their involvement in social media.
Holly Hoffman, Co-founder and Chief Inspiration Officer for Neovia Solutions, an interactive agency based in Corpus Christi, TX, leads a seminar on social media...
From: neoviasolutions
Related topics : social media small business strategy / social media for small business / social media agency / social media solutions / social media social
OTC14 Caveats for Use of Social Media for Teaching 06 21 2014
Caveats for Use of Social Media for Teaching
Judy Baker
Social media and cloud services such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Slideshare, LinkedIn,
VoiceThread, Edmodo, Wikispaces, Instagram, and Flickr can provide engaging and powerful
learning experiences for our students. However, before faculty use these resources as part
of course requirements, they must employ safeguards that comply with laws regarding student
privacy, copyright, and accessibility as well as protect students' intellectual...
From: CACommunityColleges
Related topics : why use social media / social media services
Kailash - Social media doesn't make you social
Today we are so concerned about interacting via social media, we forget how to hold and value a conversation and build on people skills with the person in front of us. How can we have the best of both worlds to ensure our social skills in and out of social media remains great.
Video created by Hunting With Pixels.
Hunting With Pixels is a Sydney and Melbourne based social video strategy and production agency.
Related topics : social media today / world social media / social media agency
How is Social Media Affecting the Buying Process
Social Media has become a massively important part of people's lives across the globe. Boosted by the growth of the smart phone, users' have become more and more focussed on individual moments, which they can share. Sharing, posting and chatting with friends has become an almost constant activity as people all over the globe snack on miniature content whenever they like. As a by-product of this, social media has a significant effect on retail, online and in store. So how can brands use this to...
From: DynmarkInternational
Related topics : social media buying / online social media / social media content / social media branding
Start Your Online Social Media Business - Facebook, Twitter And YouTube Online Jobs
Are you looking for social media careers or social networking jobs? Looking for social media marketing jobs? You should consider going for high paying Facebook or Twitter jobs instead.
Companies are presently hiring people around the world for a wide range of Facebook and Twitter jobs, as such if you would like to get paid to spend time on Facebook and Twitter hurry and sign up now.
Most of these jobs don't require any...
From: ahmed mohamed
Related topics : jobs in social media / social network marketing jobs / social media online marketing / social media marketing companies / marketing through social media
Wordpress How to make cool ultimate social media icons on your web site
How to make cool social media icons on your web site
Step by step explanation for cool Ultimate Social Media Icon plugin
From: Patrick O'Regann
Related topics : best social media icons / social media social media
Debut of SES social media news and press room in 2010 with Sally Falkow, PRESSfeed
Jamie O'Donnell, SEO-PR, interviews Sally Falkow, PRESSfeed, at SES San Francisco, 2010 on the subject of the new SES social media pressroom. Sally goes on to say that for the past six years companies have been creating online newsrooms and recently have been optimizing the content featured so its ranks higher in a SERP. Because search is evolving with the advent of real-time search, indexing, and other social media content, it's just as important that everyone can find your content. Bloggers...
From: SES Events
Related topics : social media press room / social media content / social media search / using social media for pr / social media news
Social Media Marketing for Health and Fitness Businesses
The social media marketing playing field of small businesses has been dramatically leveled relative to large corporations through the advent of the Total Social Media System™ by Social Outbreak™.
This video provides some of the main attractive features of this unique and revolutionary system--especially for health and fitness businesses.
For more information, contact:
George Shears - 651-204-0523
From: George Shears
Related topics : social media marketing small business
Social Media in Education
Social Media is now one of the important tools in education. Most of the universities and schools using this tool to create a better and more interactive learning environment
The video shared here incorporates the use and benefits of social media in multiple educational fields and for different people associated with this sector.
Detailed information can be taken from
From: Erin Gallagher
Related topics : benefits of using social media in education / social media tools for education / social media social
Ethical and Security Issues in Social Media
Title of Project/Presentation: Ethical and Security Issues in Social Media
Individual Subtopic: Social Media Security
Abstract of Presentation/Paper:
This paper discusses the various ethical and security issues that have arisen from the global increase in use of social media websites. The individual issues are identified and assessed using Utilitarian and Kantian perspectives of ethics. These issues are then taken into a global context and the worldwide impacts of social media are...
From: Charles Benitez
Related topics : social issues in media / social media websites / social media social media