Selected videos for topic: social media social
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SHRM10 Interview Series: Janet Swaysland
Janet Swaysland, SVP of Global Corporate Communications and Social Media at Monster discusses the companies increased social media presense at SHRM10. Janet also gives advice to companies looking to integrate social media efforts into their overall communications strategy
From: smartbrief
Related topics : social media company / social media integration
Social Media Marketing Software
Here is some information about our Social Media Marketing Software platform to help you manage and improve your online social media.
Manage and monitor Facebook, Google+, Twitter and more
From: BizElevate
Related topics : social media marketing software / social media online marketing / social media monitoring software / marketing through social media / manage social media
Xiteb - Web and Social Media Solutions
Website is the FACE of your business & Social media is the VOICE of your business. Select the right web and social media partner and see the difference!
From: xiteb
Related topics : best social media websites for businesses / social media business / social media solutions
Mike Panetta at Social Media for Government Conference
Mike Panetta at the Advanced Learning Institute's Social Media for Government Conference in July 2008 discusses how Social Media gives you alternatives to email
From: Steve Radick
Related topics : social media in government conference / social media social
Shout out from Social Media Club Chicago and NY to the #smcadam!
Ramon De Leon, sponsor of the Domino's Pizza's at the Social Media Club Chicago, and Adam Wallace from the Roger Smith Hotel, location for Social Media Club New York, give a shout out to the Social Media Club Amsterdam. Word!
From: Remco Janssen
Related topics : social media club of chicago / social media social media
Social Media Firm in NJ and NYC
We are a social media agency staffed with professionals engaged in various projects, for a multitude of clients, on any given day. This is done by design to ensure that Social Babies' client work is performed by a team of free spirited, talented and in-the-know individuals.
We want our team continually learning and on the cutting edge of social media and culture. That doesn't happen by prohibiting them from working on amazing campaigns, regardless of what agency...
From: SocialBabies
Related topics : social media agency / social media firm / social media engagement / social media campaign
Mashable Social Media Day Nashville - June 20, 2010
Nashville celebrates Mashable's first Social Media Day - June 20, 2010 - at the Crow's Nest restaurant in Green Hills. Heather Burchfield and Georgia Cross wish everyone a Happy Social Media Day in 3 languages, and Dave Delaney comments on Social Media Day and wishes his brother, Mike Delaney, a very happy birthday!
Related topics : mashable social media
Social Media Engagement
Social media has enabled customers to quickly and easily share about experiences; both good and bad. This can quickly help or hurt a company's reputation. With Medallia you'll always know where you stand. You can easily compare your social scores to that of your competitors, understand your social strengths and weaknesses and manage your online reputation for improved social media engagement.
From: Lissa Daniels
Related topics : social media online reputation management / social media reputation management / social media reputation score / reputation on social media / online social media
Getting Started with Pro Social Media Marketing
A brief introduction to professional social media marketing. In this video I cover why social media is important, how to find quality content, how newsfeed works and more. This video assumes you have a Facebook page and Twitter account already.
How Newsfeed Works:
Social Media Images Sizes:
Google Alerts
My LinkedIn Profile:
From: Glenn Cameron
Related topics : social media marketing twitter / marketing through social media / social media content
Social media software
social media software, social media advertising, social media marketing, social networking software, social media systems, social website software, social software tools,
From: Karwaan solutions2
Related topics : social media marketing software / social media software tools / social media marketing websites / social media networking websites / marketing through social media