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The Future of Social is In Chatbots: Social Media Minute
AI chatbots is social media's biggest upcoming. Consumers and brands need to get ready for the future. It's here already.
Facebook is rumored to launch a major social chat bot for Facebook Messenger and possibly WhatsApp at F8 in April 2016.
From: Social Media Minute with Jan Rezab
Related topics : social media future / social media branding
Webcast: Who's on First - Managing Enterprise Social Media Risk
Who's responsible for social media risk management in your organization? If your enterprise is like most, answering this question can be a real challenge.
Social media has quickly proven to be a tremendous resource for marketing, human resources, support, and many other business functions. However, that same communications tool can also introduce a significant amount of risk to an organization - risk to corporate compliance, from security threats, employee error and abuse, and much...
From: Nexgate
Related topics : social media management tools / manage social media / social media marketing questions / social media marketing tools / marketing through social media
Social Media Marketing Is A Science
Social Media Marketing, it takes very little to complicate what you do. Getting your social media marketing message heard is a scientific strategy. So find the leader who will get you there.
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Social media marketing
From: Bernadette ChinLee
Related topics : social media marketing messages / marketing through social media / social media tips
Social Media Optimization Services
Primer on Social Media Optimization by Sakal Marketing Solutions, LLC in Cary, North Carolina. Businesses need Social Media Optimization to extend their brand reach to 1.11 billion monthly active users of Facebook, 288 million monthly active users of Twitter, 200 million users of LinkedIn, and more. Contact us to learn how we can help you.
From: Sakal Marketing Solutions
Related topics : social media marketing optimization services / social media primer / marketing through social media / social media solutions / social media social media
Using Social Media to Investigate Adolescent Health
Using Social Media to Investigate Adolescent Health
Air date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 3:00:00 PM
Runtime: 01:01:21
Description: Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
Social media is widely used by adolescents, these technology allow opportunities for teens to display and describe health attitudes, intentions and behaviors. These new technologies provide an innovative means to investigate adolescent health. For the past 7 years, we have been investigating how adolescents choose to...
From: nihvcast
Related topics : using social media / social media information
Straight Talk on Personal Social Media: Assets and Boundaries (Webinar: July 1, 2011), Part 1
The first part of Pivot Group's Straight Talk on Social Media webinar from July 1, 2011. The focus of this webinar was personal social media: assets and boundaries. It explored how to get the most out of your employees' personal social media use and what personal boundaries employees should use when it comes to social media and your company. Learn more about Pivot Group at or
From: pivotgroupllc
Related topics : using social media / social media companies / social media social
#11 How To Grow Your Brand Using Social Media, Greg Savage
Brand Storytelling 11: How To Grow Your Brand Using Social Media With Greg Savage
Building a brand via social media is hard work. Learn the top strategies from Greg Savage. Find out drives traffic to your Website and creates success for your brand in this episode.
Greg is a global recruiter with 35 years experience owning, managing and growing staffing businesses across the world. Founder of four highly successful businesses; Recruitment Solutions (taken to IPO). Firebrand...
From: Newsmodo
Related topics : brands using social media / social media brand management / social media branding for business / social media management services / social media consultant
Social Media Strategy for Beginners
Slides -
So you've dipped your toes into social media: you've got a Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel and CEO blog set up. So now what?
Back up.
Take a hold of your communications plan and start afresh. This webinar is for organizations that have dipped (and maybe dived) into social media, but are now wondering what the next steps are and how they can make their social media investment more...
From: CanadaHelps
Related topics : social media strategy slideshare / blogs and social media
Small Business Social Media Marketing Interview with Scott Linklater from Just Social
In this episode I interviewed Scott Linklater from Just Social, a Social Media Marketing company based in Adelaide, South Australia. We chat about some basic social marketing marketing mistakes that many business owners are making and how to overcome them. We also diver into Pinterest, one of the new kids on the social platform block and why pictures are so important.
Towards the end of the...
From: Web Marketing Adelaide
Related topics : social media marketing ideas for small business / social media basics
Myth 1 of Recruitment on Social Media
Apr 2013 - Podcast series with Viv Oyolu, of AudioByte discussing the 5 common myths of HR using social media in their recruitment. In myth 1, Katrina Collier, Trainer, Speaker & Writer on Social Media in Recruitment, tackles "There's more to Social Recruiting than using LinkedIn"
Katrina Collier, Winning Impression, Social Media Recruitment Training
Viv Oyolu, Audio Byte, The Audio & Podcast Consultancy
From: Katrina Collier
Related topics : using social media for recruitment / social media for recruitment training