Network for Success with - Sign up now for early access!
Sign up at Achieve socially with tapTank by using your social networks to accomplish goals, build relationships with people through mutual achievement & find new goals related to your interests. We're bringing social interaction back to where it used to be before online social networks: in real life!
Join tapTank's early adopter program at and you'll receive special perks on top of being able to use the first tool that allows to you leverage your...
From: tapTankdotcom
Related topics : social network build
Booya! Media Social Network Software
Launch a complete social network online with complete mobile ready version included!
The new Booya! Mobile Social App allows easy integration with any existing social network (including ours). Keep your users connected via their mobile device .
Example of a social app connected to using the Booya! Media platform. .
Get your Social Engine site made into a native app for iPhone and Android devices. Your app comes with a unique set of tools that allow you to control the...
From: Alotogiv Okerocovi
Related topics : mobile social network software / social media network sites / software for social networking sites / social media software tools / using social media
Social Media Management Software & Tools
Social Media Management Software (SMMS) is a software or programming suite module that encourages an association's capacity to effectively take part in social media crosswise over distinctive correspondence channels. SMMS tools permit an association to help manufacture online networking impact by observing online discussions for brand mindfulness. An intense social media software is a management & engagement platform for social business. Social media managing tools can help marketers save...
From: Sproutsocial Alternative
Related topics : social media software management / social media management tools / social media brand management / social media marketing software / social media management services
Harness the power of employees on social networks - Miloš Blaško -
With growing influence of social networks and their active users, significant number of company employees spend time online. With this fact comes a huge potential of using their (online) voice to promote company's brand, products and achievements among their friends. In my presentation, I will cover successful case studies of employee ambassador programs, social network employee policies from famous brands and existing tools that help marketers harness the power of their co-workers on social...
From: Adam Zbiejczuk
Related topics : social networking policies for employees / social media network marketing
Socialtap Service Overview | Social Media Management Tools for Small Business
Socialtap Service Overview | Social Media Management Tools for Small Business
Or Simply Your Business…
All of the Online Tools you will ever need to achieve your Social Media Marketing & Campaign Goals in one, easy-to-use dashboard.
From sourcing relevant content, posting, engaging contacts to monitoring activity, generating leads and in-depth reporting.
From: Socialtap
Related topics : social media tools for small business / social media management tools / social media management services / social media marketing small business / manage social media
The first social network platform that has innovative tools for communicating and our own products t
FutureNet VALUES:
The passion with which we create
Provision of products and services that they use with pleasure.
The professionalism, continuous development and commitment to excellence.
The constant search for new and better solutions.
Open communication with partners, customers and employers.
Co-operation and trust.
Honesty and credibility.
Sign up for FREE...
From: matthew feast
Related topics : social network platform
Social networking huge job-search tool
In an ever-tightening job market job seekers are turning to social networking sites in a bold attempt to find work.
One reason for the growing number of users on social networking sites is due to the increased use by business professionals.
The most rapidly growing age-group to use Facebook is the 35-and-overs according to an employment authority.
But it's not just job seekers taking advantage of social networking sites. A recent survey by Jobsite found that 80 per cent of employers are...
From: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Related topics : social network marketing jobs / business use of social networking sites / advantages of social networking sites for recruitment / social media networking sites business / social media job search
danah boyd
danah boyd speaks about the misinterpretation of big data on social networking tools.
From: Futureweb2010
Related topics : danah boyd social network
Choose The Right Social Media Management Tools
Visit us online at: Social Media Management tool is an application program or software suite module that facilitates an association's capability to effectively take part in social media crosswise over diverse correspondence channels. Social media management tool is utilized to manage inbound and outbound discussions, record social marketing activities and assess the value of online networking vicinity.
From: Sproutsocial Alternative
Related topics : social media management tools / social media software management / social media tools and applications / manage social media / social media marketing tool
Universities muzzling dissent on social media?
The Social Network: With the English and Foreign Language University issuing a showcause notice to two students for their criticism of the Deputy Dean of Student Welfare on Facebook, we get both sides of the story from the student and the administration as we try to highlight how the problem seems to be a lack of communication, engagement and an understanding of social media as a tool of discourse. We also feature a young student who is reaching out to the visually impaired with a ballet and...
From: NDTV
Related topics : social media university / social media network / social media engagement