Latex with Mendeley : Bibliography (Latex Tutorial, revamped)

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From: Chandra Has

Related topics : social research network papers

RSM Discovery - Sharing knowledge in the hospital across status barriers

Hospital staff needs to be up to date with the latest medical insights to do their job and prevent errors. Ideally, this knowledge would be shared between everybody in the organisation, but in reality the status differences between doctors and nurses prevents this from happening, researcher Stefano Tasselli found. He studied social interactions in a hospital and discovered that medical directors, nurse managers and junior doctors occupy the best positions in the social network to deliver...

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From: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Related topics : social network knowledge management

Social networks and knowledge transfer in a Brazilian Halal poultry network

This paper describes a food value chain driven by Muslim precepts, exploring the influence of religion on social networks aspects and on knowledge transfer. Religions have a growing importance for international business, shaping the value chain. Assimilating religious precepts can contribute to better business network management for actual and intended food producers. A qualitative case study based on interviews, non-participant field research, newsletters, certificates, and other documentation...

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From: Flávio Macau

Related topics : social network knowledge management / social networking research paper

Dynamic graph generation and visualization

This video, generated using GraphStream, is an attempt to show the graph evolution of the social network for flickr, starting from a seed graph with 33 nodes. At each time step, you will see the nodes that come in and to which other nodes they get connected...

The code for generating the graph was an attempt to implement the algorithm in the paper "Microscopic evolution of social networks" by Leskovec et al (2008).

The code for the graph generation and visualization is available...

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From: Paramasiven Appavoo

Related topics : graph social network

Shark social networking

University of Delaware researchers shed light on sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) and their annual migration habits along the Eastern Seaboard in a new paper published in the Nature journal, Scientific Reports.

Using a novel tagging procedure, the UD researchers collected tens of thousands of interactions between the 300 or so tagged sand tiger sharks and also documented interactions between sand tigers and seven other fish species.

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From: University of Delaware

Related topics : social research network papers