Profitable Hospitality
Rank: 1121 / 4486
3 selected videos
Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes & Bars: 3 - Location & Event Marketing - in this video we introduce Foursquare, Facebook Places and Google Places. We also show how 'game technology' and location tracking are being used in social media marketing. Recorded from the webinar 'Fast-Track Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes and Bars'
Related topics : webinar on social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media social
Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes & Bars: 5 - Protect your Online Reputation - this video introduces effective ways to monitor online feedback and comments, generate a regular flow of good news, and respond to critical online reviews. Recorded from the webinar 'Fast-Track Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes and Bars'
Related topics : social media online marketing / protecting your online reputation video / marketing through social media
Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes & Bars: 4 - List Building & Email Marketing - see the wide range of list-building activities you can use to stay connected with customers. Plus the fastest and easiest ways to use email marketing for promotion. Recorded from the webinar 'Fast-Track Social Media Marketing for Restaurants, Cafes and Bars'
Related topics : webinar on social media marketing / social media tracking / social media list / social media promotion
3 Resources