Rank: 1161 / 4486
2 selected videos
Social Media Monitoring
Emergence of Social Media has brought a paradigm shift in the field of marketing. If you are using Twitter, Facebook, Foursqaure, LinkedIn or any other social media channels to drive traffic to your website, then this video will demonstrate how to track and analyze social media channels using Google Analytics.
For more information on our classes, please visit: http://www.webucator.com/socialmedia/google-analytics.cfm
Related topics : monitoring social media channels / using social media marketing / social media marketing websites / social media tracking / social media analytics
Social Media Monitoring in Google Analytics
In this brief webinar on tracking social media channels in Google Analytics, we demonstrate how to track and monitor Social Media channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook using Google Analytics. Learn more by taking our classes at http://www.webucator.com/course/catalog.cfm
Hear about our latest webinars by subscribing to our newsletter: http://www.webucator.com/webunews/index.cfm
Related topics : monitoring social media channels / social media analytics / social media tracking / using social media / social media courses
2 Resources