LAwS Communications

Rank: 1337 / 4486

2 selected videos

#SMILEcon UK A strategic approach to social media integration in policing

Amanda Coleman, Head of Corporate Communications, Greater Manchester Police

Amanda will talk through the four year journey of Greater Manchester Police from broadcast to engagement. GMP just used RSS feeds in 2010 and in 2014 has used social media for promotion, in a crisis, has developed apps, and has a network of more than 350 officers and staff using social media to start dialogue and conversations with their communities. Amanda will explain the approach the Force has taken from creating a...

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Related topics : using social media / social media promotion strategy / social media integration / social media network / social media engagement

Managing Police Social Media

Webinar recorded Sept 21st, 2016 with Christine Townsend of MusterPoint presenting.

MusterPoint is a Social Media Management platform made by police for police. MP caters to the unique needs of policing. In this video Christine shares best practices of event management she learned while working events such as the Margaret Thatcher funeral and Queen's Jubilee in the United Kingdom.

Agencies wishing to trial MusterPoint may contact Lauri Stevens at or Christine Townsend at...

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Related topics : manage social media / presentation on social media / social media platforms