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3 selected videos
What's a social media content calendar, and how can I make one for my nonprofit?
Social media moves fast! And it can be hard to track whether or not you're using Facebook, Twitter and others to serve your organization's mission sometimes.
A great strategy for keeping on message is using a Social Media Content Calendar. In this video Marcos tells us how he uses a calendar in a simple Excel spreadsheet to lay out broad messaging themes for each month of the year.
As each month and week approaches, Marcos drills down to specific messages and links -- defining which day...
Related topics : social media content / organizations using social media / social media platforms / social media tracking
Three Free Twitter Tracking Tools for Nonprofits and Foundations
Susan Buckles, public relations specialist at Northwest Area Foundation, shares with us her three favorite Twitter tracking tools.
* - This service shorten links, and provides you information on how many people click through.
* - As an integrated part of the HootSuite social media dashboard, also tracks click through information.
* Tweet Reach - Tweet Reach not only monitors clickthroughs, but also impressions (how many people see your tweets), retweets and replies. This...
Related topics : social media tracking tools
MAP TechWorks - Social Media Partners for Nonprofits
Mandy Ellerton, Project Manager for Grassroots Solutions, talks about the potential partnerships that can be formed through an effective use of social media.
Related topics : social media partners / manage social media / social media solutions
3 Resources