Rank: 1819 / 4486
3 selected videos
Social Media is here to stay
A lot of our clients often ask if Social Media is "here to stay". We found an interesting piece of information that may help answer that question: 79% of the top 100 Fortune 500 Companies are using Social Media to communicate their brand, grow their networks and push out their products and services.
Related topics : brands using social media / social media companies / social media branding / social media network / social media help
Social Media in plain English
With all the talk we do about Social Media, we've never fully defined it. Here's a great video gives a great explanation of Social Media: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpIOClX1jPE
Related topics : social media in plain english
RockMelt— a browser based in social media
Today I came across this new browser that has your world built in. You can chat, see your friend's updates, share information and more, right from your browser, without leaving the current webpage you're in, it's really easy!
RockMelt is built on Chromium, the open source project behind Google's Chrome browser; try it and see what you think.
Related topics : social media browser
3 Resources