Rank: 1843 / 4486

7 selected videos

Inside Business: Listed Companies On Social Media

A studio excerpt of Japie Swanepoel with K24's Zawadi Mudibo, a researcher who undertook a study on how listed firms at the NSE (Nairobi Securities Exchange) use social media platforms to reach out to their clients and public. Most successful companies have in-depth interactions with their consumers, clients and the general public.

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Related topics : social media platforms list / business using social media / social media companies

Youth Take Agriculture To Social Media

Farming in Kenya is largely considered a poor mans occupation or a last result option for the young. But now there is a crop of youth people who are adopting the use of social media and digital technologies to make money in agriculture. And as Salome Muiruri reports, Mkulima young, an agricultural digital platform is now their virtual space for matters ranging from farm production to marketing.

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Related topics : using social media marketing

Gov. Mruttu accuses the youth of spending too much time on social Media

Taita-Taveta county Governor John Mruttu is blaming the youth in his county of spending so much time engaging in unproductive activities on social media.

Governor Mruttu says most of the youth in the county are jobless due to laziness and not due to lack of opportunities.

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Related topics : social media activity

K24 Alfajiri: Building a professional network on Social Media

Amina Abdi engages a panel on just how to go about building a professional network in this digital age.

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Related topics : social network build

Is CSR a marketing gimmick of corporate giving back to society?

While officiating the second phase of the Wings To Fly project an initiative of the Equity group, President Uhuru Kenyatta directed for the formation of a board of trustees to manage bursaries and funds from corporate social responsibilities for the ultimate benefit of the society underpinning how integral corporates role is in the well being of the larger Kenyan community.

Mumbi Warui now explores the role companies play in various sectors including education health sanitation and disaster...

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Related topics : corporate social responsibility and marketing

Arena 254 : Nameless talks Family, Music & Social Media

Remmy Majala engages Nameless on his music, life & his take on Social media and it's influence in Music.

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Related topics : social media engagement

Employers now seeking social media information of potential job seekers

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Related topics : social media information