Artist Hustle
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2 selected videos
Social Media Marketing for Musicians | ArtistHustle TV Episode 28 7 social media marketing tips for musicians.
1. Reach more people: Twitter, video, blogs, press, Facebook, reverb nation, podcast/internet radio, other social media platforms, etc.
2. Keep fans informed: social media, website, email, our stage, etc.
3. Sell your music: social media, website, and email newsletter
4. Fans pass-along to friends: video, blogs/press, social bookmarking
5. Engage their fans: website, blogging, email newsletter, etc.
6. Upload your videos:...
Related topics : social media marketing websites / marketing through social media / social media blogs / social media tips / social media branding
How To Network On Social Media For Musicians | ArtistHustle TV Episode 95 How to network on social media for musicians
1. Host a meet up with fans or connections in your local town
2. Don’t force your music right off the bat, ask questions about them
3. Invite them to your live events or other events in your area or out of town
4. Think of ways on how to collaborate
5. Give value before you ask for help
6. Partner with other local business owners and professional
ArtistHustle. Take your hustle to the next level. Marketing & branding for...
Related topics : social media network marketing
2 Resources