
Rank: 2107 / 4486

4 selected videos

Social Media Engagement with the C-Suite

Chris Perry, global head of digital at Weber Shandwick, talks about the firm's latest study on Social CEOs, noting the reality of communications thinking, planning and strategy still applies with social media in the same way it does with traditional media. He posits that there are great opportunities for executives to think through how they can present their stories in compelling ways across multiple platforms.


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Related topics : traditional news media and social media / social media strategy

How to Activate Your Employees to Help Carry the Message?

Weber Shandwick released Employees Rising: Seizing the Opportunity in Employee Activism. This survey of 2,300 employees worldwide conducted with KRC Research reveals a rising social movement ignited by social media: employee activism. Weber Shandwick hosted an event to present the study and featured an all-star line-up of panelists talking about this new grassroots movement.

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Related topics : social movement media / research social media

Managing Legal & Reputation Risk: A View from the Field

Weber Shandwick's new study explores crisis and reputation topics such as preparedness, leadership, collaboration and social media, among others.

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Related topics : social media and reputation management / reputational risk management

The Company Behind the Brand: In Reputation We Trust

Weber Shandwick's Corporate practice chair, Micho Spring, discusses our recent study, exploring the research findings and how the parent brand's reputation is more important than ever before.

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Related topics : corporate brand reputation