Rank: 2437 / 4486
2 selected videos
Safe and Responsible Social Media - Refresh Colombo December Meetup 2011
Safe and Responsible Social Media by Amitha Amarasinghe
(Head of Digital Media at Neo@Ogilvy)
Social Media gives everyone a voice to speak in public domain and it serves as a tool to network freely with people all around the world. But how far you should go when expressing yourself on Social Media? What would be the consequences of what you share on social networks? Content you share on social network, can possibly change your life or someone else's. Now it is the ideal time to take a look at...
Related topics : social media response / social media network / social media content / using social media
Ambient Social Networking .. What is it all about ? - Refresh Colombo May Meetup 2012
by Chamindra Hettitantirige
Ambient Social Networking is considered one of the hottest technological trends in the year 2012. Why is it considered so hot and what it is all about? What are its advantages and disadvantages? How can business owners take advantage from it? This Presentation is all about that.
Thanks to Learn TV for recording the event..
Refresh Colombo is a community of web and technology enthusiasts / professionals who come together on a monthly basis to share ideas and meet...
Related topics : social network like meetup
2 Resources