
Rank: 2582 / 4486

2 selected videos

Beyond the Water Cooler: Social Media Overload in the Workplace

More than a decade after Facebook's founding, social media continues to be a blessing and a curse to employers. How far should an employer go to regulate the social media activities of its workforce? Is a social media policy really necessary? How can employers navigate the more complicated issues involved in disciplining employees for their conduct on social media? Are there risks to utilizing social media in recruitment? During this session, we’ll discuss successful policies and approaches...

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Related topics : using social media for recruitment / social media sites for recruitment / social media media

Friend Me? When Social Media, Higher Ed and the Law Collide

Please join us for the sixth webinar in our Higher Education series: Friend Me? When Social Media, Higher Ed and the Law Collide.

Colleges and universities have a tenuous balancing act of capitalizing on social media, while considering the related legal issues for faculty, administrators, staff and students. Dena Sokolow will describe the legal issues higher education has faced and will recommend a number of best practices, including:

- Importance of creating a social media strategy


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Related topics : using social media for recruitment / social media education for students