McKinsey on Marketing & Sales

Rank: 265 / 4486

7 selected videos

Measuring the ROI of social media

David Edelman explains how measuring ROI of social media has to take into account the goals for each stage of the customer decision journey. A social GRP can help marketers see and measure the value of social, as well as create a consistent metric for comparing against other media. Read more at the CMSO Forum site

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Related topics : measuring social media roi / social media marketing roi / social media roi metrics / social media marketing sites / marketing through social media

Steve Hasker, Nielsen, on "big data" and social media

Steve Hasker, President, Media Products and Advertiser Solutions for Nielsen, discusses the challenges of harnessing big data to understand customers, how B2B companies are behind B2C companies in managing social media, and what mobile is doing to the world of social media. For more about this topic, please visit the Chief Marketing & Sales Officer forum

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Related topics : social media management company / social media advertising companies / social media marketing companies / manage social media / social media solutions

Centralize social media monitoring, decentralize the benefits

McKinsey partner, Roxane Divol, describes how companies need to consider centralizing skill sets to monitor social media across the organization. But that centralized monitoring needs to be connected to the business and can move quickly to provide them with the insights quickly and efficiently. Otherwise, the efficiencies of a centralized organization won't matter.

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Related topics : social media monitoring companies / monitoring social media / benefits of social media for business

David Edelman: Social media and the C-suite

David Edelman discusses the implications of the massive transparency that social media has engendered. Companies have to actively manage their positive and negative buzz. Read more on the CMSO Forum site

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Related topics : social media management company / social media transparency / social media companies / manage social media

How CMOs can deliver a social media strategy that provides value

David Edelman explains how the complexity of digital media (much of it unstructured data) requires sophisticated analytics systems as well as human intervention that is relevant and authentic. Read more at the CMSO Forum site

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Related topics : media and social values / social media strategy

Chapter 6: Social media integration

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Related topics : social media integration

Chapter 5: Social media ROI

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Related topics : social media roi