
Rank: 3445 / 4486

2 selected videos

Week 14: Social Media as an Educational Tool (Disadvantages)

In this last installment of our weekly video posts, I discuss the role of social media as an educational tool in our patent engineering class. This video specifically covers the disadvantages of using both the YouTube and Twitter platforms. Please watch my other video that highlights the advantages.

Thank you, Professor Lavian for an incredible and fulfilling semester!

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Related topics : social media tools for education / advantages of using social media in education

Week 14: Social Media as an Educational Tool (Advantages)

In this last installment of our weekly video posts, I discuss the role of social media as an educational tool in our patent engineering class. This video specifically covers the advantages of using both the YouTube and Twitter platforms. Thank you, Professor Lavian for an incredible and fulfilling semester!

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Related topics : social media tools for education / advantages of using social media in education