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2 selected videos

Social Media Optimization-SMO | What is SMO | SEO in Hindi-Part 24

What is social media optimization?

Promoting the business using a social networking site is called social media optimization or SMO. It provides maximum reachability to the ideal user and is easy and cost effective. SMO is best for promoting local business.

Top social networking site to promote your business are:-Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. You can create banners, videos, share images, articles and posts on these sites to gain...

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Related topics : social media sites for business promotion / social media network sites / business using social media / social media optimization tutorial / creating social networking sites

What is Online Reputation Management-ORM | ORM tutorial | SEO in Hindi-Part 25

Online reputation management or ORM is about improving the business or the brand value online. Your online identity is determined by not only what you post or share, but also what others post about you.

When customers contact for business, a majority of them first checks your reviews online. The greater the number of good reviews you have, the higher is the chances of you getting the business.

How to increase online reputation?

The reviews written by the customers...

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Related topics : online reputation management orm / online business reputation management / social media online reputation management / online reputation management reviews / online reputation management seo