Microsoft Research

Rank: 92 / 4486

17 selected videos

Social Network Analysis meets the Semantic Web: What FOAF Reveals About LiveJournal

The Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF) project was begun in 1999 to explore the application of semantic web technologies (RDF/XML) to people's personal details, such as their interests, occupations and personal affiliations, with the aim of facilitating social network data-mining.  We develop here an approach to visualizing FOAF data that employs techniques of quantitative Social Network Analysis, using the foaf:knows and foaf:interest relations extracted from a crawl of FOAF files....

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Related topics : analysis of social network data / analysis of social networking sites / social networking visualization software / software for social networking site

Social Media: Analysis and Application

Scott Counts from Microsoft Research chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2012. This session addresses the study and use of social media. Social media have massively democratized the production and distribution of information, and as such are impacting virtually every aspect of our world, from politics and the economy to news and even crisis management. For scientists who want to study this phenomenon, social media represent a body of information that is real-time, largely text-based,...

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Related topics : using social media / social media research / social media analysis / manage social media / social media news

Exploring large social networks with matrix-based representations

As people conduct even more of their life electronically, vast new datasets are available for social scientists to analyze. Understanding the structure and evolution of popular online communities such as FaceBook, Flickr or Wikipedia creates new challenges for analysis tools. Information visualization can be a powerful approach to help social scientists both explore these social networks and present their findings to others. While most of the current systems propose node-link...

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Related topics : structure and evolution of online social networks / social network visualization tools / analysis social networks

Contagion, Affirmation and Lies: The Psychology of Social Media

Views of how social media can affect people are often over-generalized ("its ruining our conversational skills!" versus "its going to spark revolutions to rid the world of dictators!"), as is often the case with new technologies. The degree to which social media are embedded in our everyday lives makes this impulse all the more powerful. In the present talk, we'll go over some of the most recent research from our group that examines how social media can have subtle but powerful effects on a...

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Related topics : social psychology media / social media research

Improving Privacy on Social Network Sites

The proliferation of personal information being posted online has led to well publicized privacy issues. On one hand, users seem oblivious to their privacy, doing little to protect their personal data. On the other hand, there have been a number of privacy uproars and media coverage of new site features and problems. In this talk, I will present the results of several projects aimed at understanding and addressing the privacy needs of users on social network sites. Our research demonstrates...

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Related topics : social networking sites privacy issues / social research network sites / social networking research

Is the grass any greener? Pervasive awareness, social media, and well-being

Social media, we have been promised, supports the well-being of individuals and society. It has been said that it offers new opportunities for democratic participation, that it supports collective action and gives individuals a voice. Social capital, once lost through the dormancy of ties, hidden as a result of infrequent contact, has been made visible through the persistent and pervasive nature of social media. Yet, it is often said that these technologies do not live up to their hype, that...

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Related topics : social media and technology / social media engagement

Propagation of Rumour Through a Social Network

We focus on the study of rumour, a social phenomenon that is characterized by the spread of information throughout a social network. The pattern of the spread is just as important to characterizing a rumour as the information itself. In offline settings, rumours are typically spread in peer-to-peer fashion or through small groups because most individuals do not have the ability to expose it to many of their friends at the same time. Online social networks, conversely, allow individuals to make...

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Related topics : social network information / analysis of social networking

Fusing Mobile, Sensor, and Social Computing in the Cloud To Enable Context-Aware Applications

This talk will describe SocialFusion, a research project at the University of Colorado at Boulder that is exploring how mobile phones, sensor networks and social networks can be fused via cloud computing to enable a new generation of context-aware applications. We will discuss what kinds of infrastructure will likely be needed to enable the SocialFusion vision, including services both within and on top of IaaS clouds. We believe that novel services will be required to realize a rich future of...

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Related topics : cloud computing social network

Friends don�t Lie - Inferring Personality Traits from Social Network Structure

In this work, we investigate the relationships between social network structure and personality; we assess the performances of different subsets of structural network features, and in particular those concerned with ego-networks, in predicting the Big-5 personality traits. In addition to traditional survey-based data, this work focuses on social networks derived from real-life data gathered through smartphones. Besides showing that the latter are superior to the former for the task at hand, our...

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Related topics : structure of social network

Social Computing Symposium 2016: Transgender Experiences with Online Harassment

Social Computing Symposium 2016: Harassment, Threats, and Trolling Online, Transgender Experiences with Online Harassment

Transgender people face disproportionate levels of harassment online. I present empirical data on the prevalence, types, and sources of trans harassment on social networking sites. For trans people, online harassment sometimes leads to offline harassment and discrimination, intersects with other stigmatized marginalized identities, and is often avoided by keeping one's trans...

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Related topics : social online network / online social media / open source social networking sites