Selected videos for topic: analysis social networks
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Mathematica Experts Live: Social Networks and Data Science Q&A Part 1
Charles Pooh and Roger Germundsson answer user-submitted questions related to social network analysis and other graphs and networks enhancements in Mathematica as part of Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9.
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From: Wolfram
Related topics : analysis of social network data / analysis of social networking
Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Change in a Large-Scale Collaborative Management Initiative
February 15, 2017
Presenter: Patrick Bixler, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas
To design and implement large landscape conservation projects, individuals and agencies are increasingly organizing into networks to facilitate the exchange of ideas, build relationships, identify common interests, and solve problems of mutual interest in a landscape. Coordinating the actions of a diffuse, networked system to specific conservation outcomes poses unique challenges to measuring...
From: GreatNorthernLCC
Related topics : social network analysis tool / analysis social networks / schools monitoring social networks / schools using social networking
Energy & Health Policy Network Analysis Part 2: Network Overview
John Kelly, Founder and Chief Scientist of Morningside Analytics, presents a comparative social network analysis of bloggers discussing energy policy with those discussing health policy. Presented at MITs Summit Conference Series
From: Ken Deutsch
Related topics : analysis social network
Social Network Analysis Questionnaire
An informative short to introduce and explain a questionnaire for candidates of a social networking study conducted by our client.
From: Tom Allisey
Related topics : social network analysis questionnaire
Social Network Analysis - Model and theory of Friendships - animation 1
Friendship growth and management driven by social processes, activities and interests; measurement, stability and behavior cascading
We dedicated our research to "Network processes that drive changes in the social network structure"
From: Sasha Rudan
Related topics : social network analysis theory / analysis of social networking
Social Networks 375 at UMA: An Introduction
A brief video introduction to COM/SOC 375, an undergraduate course in social network analysis.
From: James Cook
Related topics : introduction to social network analysis
Social Network Profile Analysis
Sonepran is a simple analysis method that guides anyone in answering key questions to find the image that they or friends may be projecting through the contents of their Social Network Profiles.
Here's how it works: go to, enter your name, and the name and gender of the owner of the profile you want to analyze. Then, answer a set of Yes, No, or N-A (Not applicable) questions, which are based on the contents posted on the Social Network Profile. As soon as the form is completed,...
From: SNPanalyzer
Related topics : social network analysis methods and applications / analysis of social networking
Excel for organizing data to run Ucinet, social network analysis
From: chien smile
Related topics : ucinet social network analysis
Cantor 1-1
Workshop on social network analysis on movement data
From: Oceans Research
Related topics : social network analysis workshop
The diffusion of academic achievements: social selection and influence in student networks
Sofia Dokuka - Junior Research Fellow Center for Institutional Studies / International Research Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms
Peer group effects show the influence of student social environments on their individual achievements. Traditionally, a social environment is considered by researchers of peer effects as exogenously given. However, significant peers that affect performance are often those that are deliberately chosen. Students might choose their friends among...
From: AcademicsVideo
Related topics : students social networking / social networking research / analysis of social networking / economic and social networking