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XORTIUM, LLC is a Creative Online Project Development & Strategic Lead Generation & Management Company - The Intelligent Real-Time Social Marketing Methodology That Works!
From: Christian Jensen
Related topics : social media and internet marketing training / social media marketing companies / social media management tools / social media management company
Social Media Marketing for Business - Software by Rignite
Are you looking for a better solution to manage your social media marketing for business?
Rignite makes it easy to get real business results from your social media marketing.
With our software, you can:
--Monitor and engage from a single dashboard for all your social accounts
--Run end-to-end social media campaigns across multiple networks
--Get campaign level reporting to know what's working
--Keep a close eye on your competitors, influencers, and VIP
--Schedule posts--individually, or as...
From: Rignite
Related topics : social media marketing business opportunity / social media marketing campaign / social media monitoring software / marketing through social media / business social network software
Salon Business Marketing Tools: Social Media Automation
Natalie Wynn talks about how to save you time and use free salon business marketing tools that can automate your social media marketing.
From: SalonBubble
Related topics : free social media marketing tool / free social media tools for business / marketing through social media / marketing automation
How To Start A Social Media Marketing Business - How To Start A Social Media Marketing Business - Having done this personally I can help ya out!
Since you're searching for "how to start a social media marketing business" i wanted to share with you as best as I possibly can my experience with this as that's all that I can share and I'll be explaining it in the least confusing way possible as it's actually really simple to learn how to do!
Hope you enjoyed this video on how to start a social media marketing...
From: BrandoMOtv
Related topics : search & social media marketing / social media help
Introduction to social media recorded webinar - 8 May 2013
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube help businesses reach millions of potential clients quickly and for a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.
Learn more about using social media to market your busines
Register for more of our free webinars and download the workbook here
Note that this is a recording of a webinar from 8 May 2013. Some...
From: BusinessQldGov
Related topics : social media and business marketing webinar / social media online marketing / using social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media help
SMC Auckland - Listening and Analytics Tools
Over 130 people indulged themselves in tools, apps and insights of social media analytics.
Possibly one of the toughest topics to cover at a social event but with 4 great speakers and some robust discussion I hope everyone went home with something to think about.
The Speakers
Louisa Jones from Eleven PR
James Townsend, the Digital Communications Manager for ASB
Adam Good - Clemenger Group - 3 tactics deployed from social media monitoring in a cross channel marketing...
From: #smcakl
Related topics : social media monitoring for market research / social media marketing program / social media monitoring tools / social media listening tools / social media management tools
How EA SPORTS uses social media marketing (instructional video)
How EA SPORTS FIFA uses social media marketing to create customer value by John Huang. MKF3881
Find out more about Facebook Segments here
From: JohnH Marketing
Related topics : sports and social media marketing
Social Media Marketing Building Brand Equity through Social Channels
Once a cool new thing, social media is now firmly established as a vital marketing channel for brand building. Based on word of mouth and spreadability, brands and advertisers fully recognize that social media is no longer an option—it's a must have. The possibilities and potential with social media are enormous too; brands can realize tremendous lift in word of mouth and brand value through social channels. But a social media strategy must be well-oiled and well-executed; and mis-steps can...
From: adtechevents
Related topics : social media brand building / social media branding strategy / social media marketing strategy steps / social media marketing firm / social media firm
Cause Marketing & Social Media Activism - Raja Choudhury at OMCAR 2012 Pt 2/2
Cut! Engage! Activate!
Cause Marketing & Media and the Brave New World of Social Media Activism
Ever wonder how Anna used FB and Twitter to get so many people out every day? Did the Egyptian Saffron Revolution begin with a single post? Can we form entire social movements online using social tools? Can cause driven films make a real impact online? The line between cause marketing, meaningful media and social media is blurring rapidly. In the US, companies like Participant Media are building...
From: omcareers
Related topics : social media cause marketing / social media online marketing / marketing through social media / new social media tools / social media networking websites
Social Media Marketing
social media marketing
From: Javier Morales
Related topics : market social media / social marketing