Selected videos for topic: marketing through social media
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How to Measure Social Media ROI
How to Measure Social Media ROI
Do you spend hours on your social media outreach and have no idea if it’s successful?
Are your clients constantly clamoring for proof that your social campaigns are working?
ROI is the proof in the proverbial pudding that your Social marketing efforts are working. Customers Bosses and Investors need to know if you’re successful… and you do too!
Learn Some of the Most Common and Uncommon Ways of Calculating Social Media ROI
From: Brian Cliette
Related topics : measuring social media roi / social media marketing campaign ideas / social media media
71 Seconds on Our Social Media Marketing eBook
A quick 'book trailer' for our ebook, "Getting to First Base: A Social Media Marketing Playbook". To learn more, read some sample chapters or buy the book, visit:
From: Darren Barefoot
Related topics : social media marketing book / marketing through social media
Catalyst Social Media
Web banner for Catalyst Social Media's website. Catalyst are a company that use social media as a key marketing tool to develop your company. They create key strategies that optimise your online presence and help reach your customers wherever they are. It is also our first video made partly in flash and optimised for the web platform.
From: Hibbert Harwood
Related topics : social media catalyst / social media marketing companies / social media marketing websites / using social media marketing / social media companies
Should Your Social Media Strategy Be MORE Content?
Jay Baer - Convince & Convert, Social Fresh EAST 2014
Conventional wisdom has been to carefully select brand participation avenues and social communication. But consumer behavior and engagement shifts have smashed those rules. A fast-paced treatise from Jay Baer will have you rethinking the foundation of your social program.
Join us at the next Social Fresh, social media marketing conference:
From: Social Fresh
Related topics : social media marketing conferences / social media content
Social Media
In this course, students will analyze and apply the main marketing concepts and theories to the social media. Students will evaluate the different types of social media and their function as a communication platform for organizations. They will also analyze consumer participation as part of the brand or service and develop a strategic marketing plan for a product or service on social networks.
From: National University College - División Online
Related topics : social media network marketing services / social media marketing plan / social media platforms for marketing / social media branding theory / social media courses
Montreal SEO Service: How To Use Social Media Marketing and Optimization To Rank in 1st Page click here if you are looking for professional SEO Service that can bring your business into next level.
From: MontrealSEOConsult
Related topics : social media marketing optimization services / using social media marketing
The Importance of Social Media Today
Mobile Marketing, Video Productions, Web & Graphic Design, Loyalty Programs, Social Media integration.
Denver, Colorado
From: SkyBlueAlexander Gray
Related topics : social media marketing program / social media today / social media integration
Social Media and Data Analytics for Digital Marketing
Today's socially networked businesses need marketers, data analysts, and IT professionals who can work together to draw business intelligence and economic value from social media. Professors Ravi Bapna and Anindya Ghose talk about how our Executive Education social/data course provides the analysis tools and the business context to make smarter use of social media and its data.
For more information on the Carlson School and its research, visit
From: Carlson School of Management
Related topics : social media marketing for business schools / using social media as a market research tool / social media network marketing / social network analysis business / marketing through social media
Richard Jalichandra, CEO of Technorati, and the power of social media at SES San Jose 2009
Lee Odden, TopRank Online Marketing interviews Richard Jalichandra, CEO Technorati about social media's evolution as a major media and publishing source. Richard cites the example of Ashton Kutcher and his Twitter base of more than 2 million followers. Richard says companies want to develop their brands in the social media space but they can't always get the reach or scale of a successful viral campaign. Lee says each social media campaign must be unique to the audience and customer base....
From: SES Events
Related topics : social media viral marketing campaign / social media marketing companies / marketing through social media / social media help
Geofeedia: Location-based social media monitoring | Introduction Video
Geofeedia is the market leader in location-based social media monitoring, intelligence and analysis for corporate security, public safety, media/journalism and marketing teams. Geofeedia's patented platform enables organizations to derive social intelligence from specific geographic locations to understand, in real-time, what’s happening within the areas most important to them. Headquartered in Chicago's River North neighborhood, Geofeedia was founded in 2011 and has grown to include offices...
From: Geofeedia
Related topics : location based social media marketing / location based social media intelligence / location based social media platforms / marketing through social media / social media analysis