Recruiting and Social Media A compliance officer explains how social media is used to gather information about potential recruits.
From: Path2d1
Related topics : using social media for recruitment / social media information
Paco de Onís- Social Media and causes
Paco de Onís describes how important social media are to the promotion of good causes.
From: jimsky7
Related topics : social media for causes / promotion social media
Social Media Guidelines at Linde
The rapid development of social media means it is now an essential tool for our company and the way we communicate. A growing number of platforms have emerged, allowing people with common interests to interact over the internet. Round-the-clock, unrestricted access to information and the ability to give instant feedback have fundamentally changed the way we interact.
As a company, we need to be ready to engage actively with the "democratic consumer": the social media user who is better informed...
From: Linde
Related topics : social media tools meaning / social media rules of engagement / social media platforms meaning / social media help / online social media
Getting Started: Empowering Employee Advocacy and Mitigating Social Risk
Social media presents endless opportunities for organizations. Today, companies can easily share information, strengthen brand awareness, access market intelligence, and foster meaningful relationships with customers around the globe.
But for organizations in highly regulated industries tapping into this rich market requires navigating compliance regulations. This requires implementing policies and processes to protect your brand and employees. But, with right on-boarding, training,...
From: Social SafeGuard – Social Media Compliance & Security
Related topics : getting started in social media / company social media policy / social media marketing companies / social media companies / social media marketing policy
Creating your Social Media Marketing Plan for Beachbody Coaches
Social Media is the core of our business as Beachbody Coaches. Knowing WHY you are posting is just as essential as knowing WHAT to post. I hope this video helps you create your PLAN!
From: Erin Young
Related topics : social media marketing plan / social media plan / marketing through social media / social media in business / social marketing plan
Social Media Consultant?
Yeah- I'm a social media consultant, not (just) some clown trying to live full-time off of YouTube ads. But I still pee in a bottle in my car, so yeah.
Thanks for the logos!!!!
From: unclenalts
Related topics : social media consultant
The Changing Landscape of Health Care Social Media
How has social media changed the way hospitals AND physicians should communicate with patients? Beyond HIPAA, digital communication is rescupting how messages are best received.
Kathi Browne and David Amerland talk about the changing landscape of healthcare communications. David Amerland is an SEO expert and best selling author.
#hcsmwhatsnews #hchangouts kbhoa*85550 *archoa*socialmedia
From: Kathi Browne
Related topics : social media changed communication / social media expert
4 Tips In Choosing The Best Social Media Platform
What social media platforms do you use? Facebook, Twitter, YouTube the options are endless Do you choose just one platform, or do you combine? What platforms deliver the best return of investment with your time and profit?
Here are four answers to those questions that will give a clear vision for your business.
From: David Hilton
Related topics : social media platforms / social media tips
The Future of Social Media Gerd Leonhard Picnic 2009 Amsterdam part 3
Part 3 of my PICNIC 2009 talk on the next 5 years in Social Media. Topics: why the world's OS is 'going social', why conversation and engagement not monolog and control is the only way forward, about the coming 'extreme Reputation Economy', why social media = CRM, the shift to open ecosystems rather than closed egosystems.. and much more. See for more details and the PDF download Special thanks to the geat...
From: Gerd Leonhard
Related topics : world social media / reputation on social media
The Future of Social Media Gerd Leonhard Picnic 2009 Amsterdam Part 2
Part 2 of my PICNIC 2009 talk on the next 5 years in Social Media. Topics: why the world's OS is 'going social', why conversation and engagement not monolog and control is the only way forward, about the coming 'extreme Reputation Economy', why social media = CRM, the shift to open ecosystems rather than closed egosystems.. and much more. See for more details and the PDF download Special thanks to the great...
From: Gerd Leonhard
Related topics : world social media / reputation on social media