WEBINAR: Getting Started with Social Media - A Beginner's Guide
Join NDI for an introduction to four of the biggest social media platforms for non-profits - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube - and hear why adopting social media in your communications strategies makes sense. This webinar is for beginners - we'll leave out a lot of the tech jargon and even have a quick review of a glossary for Twitter and Facebook terms to help you get started with a social media program for your organization!
From: National Disability Institute
Related topics : getting started in social media / social media platforms / social media strategy / social media help
Social Media as a Public Relations Tool
http://www.imatrix.com - Social media is a great way to engage in the conversation that is taking place about your business. In this video, we examine how social media can play a role in public relations management and provide tips for effective social networking.
iMatrix: http://is.gd/QQHUU9
ChiroMatrix: http://is.gd/7Jt2uG
VetMatrix: http://is.gd/sS20NY
From: iMatrix
Related topics : social media public relations / social media management tools / manage social media / social media tips / social media social
Social + Analytics: Does Social Media Opinion Matter?
FutureM 2013 session with Crimson Hexagon
Social media metrics are at the leading edge of marketing and market research practice. However, it's important to distill the useful from the trendy. This panel, lead by Crimson Hexagon, brings together leading marketers to speak honestly about the merits of social data, and to discuss situations when traditional metrics and research should not be discarded in favor of social media analysis. Panelists will dig into which traditional metrics are best,...
From: FutureMBoston
Related topics : social media analytics market research / using social media for marketing research / social media marketing strategy / social media marketing strategist / why social media matters to your business
Strategy First (11/16): Objectives pt 1-- Listening, Talking, Energizing
This presentation is available on Slideshare at: (http://www.slideshare.net/neoviasolutions/strategy-first-why-you-need-a-social-media-strategy)
This video goes over some of the primary objectives an organization can have with social media. It's essential to know what you want to accomplish with social media before you develop a strategy.
Holly Hoffman, Co-founder and Chief Inspiration Officer for Neovia Solutions, an interactive agency based in Corpus Christi, TX, leads a seminar on...
From: neoviasolutions
Related topics : social media strategy slideshare / social media small business strategy / social media for small business / social media solutions / social media media
OOZO tv Social Media Television the founder perspective HD
Social Media powered flat screens installed in the coolest spots around town.
An interactive billboard that captures everything a company publishes on their social media channel such as texts, photos and videos from all major social networks.
Empowering regular people to take part on the public broadcasting system by publishing their content with the correspondent #hashtag or geotaging. Once you get more TVs installed it becomes a sharing network for the whole creative community.
From: OOZO.tv DOOH Plug & Play
Related topics : social media television / social media network where friends share / social media advertising companies / social media branding / social media integration
OOZO tv Social Media Television how it works HD
Social Media powered flat screens installed in the coolest spots around town.
An interactive billboard that captures everything a company publishes on their social media channel such as texts, photos and videos from all major social networks.
Empowering regular people to take part on the public broadcasting system by publishing their content with the correspondent #hashtag or geotaging. Once you get more TVs installed it becomes a sharing network for the whole creative community.
From: OOZO.tv DOOH Plug & Play
Related topics : social media work / social media advertising companies / social media branding / social media integration
Social Media Marketing - Attain Creative
Thinking about increasing your customer base through social media advertising? If you’re not quite sure which social media channel is the best fit for your products or services, rest assured you’re not alone. All of our clients at Attain Creative have the same goal in common, increasing their customer base. One simply needs to do the math, to understand that business is a game of attrition. Existing customers may switch to a competitor, or simply stop buying the products or services you...
From: Attain Creative
Related topics : creative marketing social media / marketing through social media
Social Media Abuse | “I enjoy it”: Big B
Social Media Abuse | “I enjoy it”: Big B Subscribe http://bit.ly/subscribe-bollywood-country for latest Bollywood news and Hindi TV Cinema with your favourite celebrities and exclusive news updates.
Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is an active blogger and uses different social networking platforms to connect with his fans, says social media users should be prepared to face abuse.
Bollywood Country Videos - Your world of hot and happening Bollywood entertainment from your...
From: BollywoodCountry
Related topics : social media connection / social media platforms / social media news
You've Got A Friend: Social Media as a Catalyst for Growth
In July, New Directions Consulting (in partnership with Hemming's Motor News) unveiled their new services in social media training and consulting. Michael Harrington, Director of New Training and Strategic Initiatives and Matthew Harrington, Marketing Manager, both of New Directions Consulting, brought 40 business leaders through an obstacle course of social media, training and teaching along the way, and at the end of the day had a working social media platform presence for the group...
From: NDCVirtual
Related topics : social media training / social media marketing consulting / social media marketing services / social media courses / manage social media
Tips to Grow Your Business Using Social Media
Brian D. Evans, Founder/CEO of Influencive, sits down with Mark Lack to talk about the different ways business owners and entrepreneurs can maximize using social media to grow their business.
Brian goes over different things he sees many business owners doing wrong. Here are some tips
1. Many people are trying to sell aggressively without focusing on engagement
2. Be very accessible on social media - many people
3. Many people are not balancing their diet on social media - don't just feed...
From: Business Rockstars
Related topics : business using social media / social media tips / social media social