Selected videos for topic: social media social media
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Springnet 227 - SMCAustin - Brian Massey, Melanie Wise, more
Austin, Texas Social Media Club met at Bazaarvoice on 5/18/10 and asked Melanie Wise @mwise1, Brian Massey, Amy Lemen, and "B" the question "What did you learn at Austin Social Media Clubs session on Social Media and Higher Education?" Brian Massey is well known as the "Conversion Scientist" and Melanie Wise is looking for a marketing position. Hire her!
From: Paul Walhus
Related topics : austin social media club / social media education / social media marketing questions / social media social media
Using the Social Media Engine to Share Content
In this video you will learn how to use the Social Media Engine to manually share content with your company's social media sites.
From: e-Marketing Sherpas
Related topics : social media content / why use social media / social media companies / social media sites
Focal points and Disadvantages of Social Media
we are all aware that social media has had a tremendous impact on our culture, in business, on the world-at-large. Social media websites are some of the most popular haunts on the Internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web.
From: Bob Smith
Related topics : social media impact on culture / social media media
Social media strategist, Adam Houlahan, adds $100,000 to his annual income.
Adam Houlahan, high profile social media strategist and author of ‘Social Media Secret Sauce’, speaks about creating real influence and credibility for his brand and business during the Key Person of Influence 40 week business training program.
Are you a Key Person of Influence? Use the Influence test to find out:
Whatever you measure, tends to improve.
From: KeyPersonOfInfluence
Related topics : social media strategist / social media branding for business / social media training / social media social
PINTEREST DRIVES SALES! Pinterest Social Media Marketing Webinar White Glove Social Media.mp4
PINTEREST DRIVES SALES! If you're a business owner, marketing director or a social media manager this 15min webinar will save you time & money.
During this webinar you will learn:
1) What is Pinterest
2) Why is Pinterest Important To Your Business
3) What can Pintereste Do For Your Business?
Includes case studies and proof of the viral nature of Pinterest!
From: Anna Bennett
Related topics : social media and business marketing webinar / marketing through social media / manage social media / social media social media
Cleveland Intensive Social Media Workshop
I'm going to be running this program:
This will be one of the most advance social media workshops you can find anywhere.
If you want to advance your social media programs at your company in systematic ways, this program is for you.
The Online Marketing Institute and Wharton Interactive Media Initiative's new Intermediate Social Media Workshop Series is coming to Cleveland on September 21st offering world-class academic rigor and case...
From: Sage Lewis
Related topics : social media marketing program / social media market research companies / social media marketing companies / social media training cleveland / social media firm
UWRF Digital Citizenship PSA
12 Social Media Facts and Statistics You Should Know in 2016. (n.d.). Retrieved from
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (2011). Social networking and children. Retrieved from
Lenhart, A. (2015). Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015. Retrieved from...
From: John Slick
Related topics : social media and technology / social media statistics / social media network / social media social
The Negative Effects of Social Media Culture on Children
The Negative Effects of Social Media Culture on Children
From: Justin Hoyt
Related topics : negative effects of social media
Get UK Traffic to your site From Social media
Get UK Traffic to your site From Social media
From: UK Traffic
Related topics : social media sites uk
Social media and your job -- Dos and Don'ts
Social media and your job -- Dos and Don'ts
From: BartlesvilleLIVE
Related topics : social media jobs / social media social media