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From: Infinitum Digital
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Social Media Experts - 'Social Media' is the phrase of the day. Many of us were doing things socially online long before the term was even coined. No one can seem to decide what, exactly, social media really IS, anyway. Craig sent a series of questions to me from Scotland, asking five questions about social media. I thought it would be fun to record my answers as a video. Also, by having them out there this way, hopefully more people will be able to learn something - instead of only...
From: Chris Pirillo
Related topics : social media twitter / online social media / social media social
Social media marketing MEETUP Discussion 02
Social media marketing Discussion with entrepreneurs, business persons, professionals, and students - by expert faculty Jyotindra Zaveri
Topics discussed in this video are Digital showroom appearoo, Google Plus Circle and Event, Hangouts, Digital platforms, Quara, Youtube , Twitter.
Contact Jyotindra Zaveri, Social Media Marketing. ERP and IoT Consultant & Trainer. Ex-IBM. Computer Engineer Germany. IT Professional since….1975. WhatsApp +91 95529 46949.
From: Jyotindra Zaveri
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Small Business Festival 2013 - Social Media Marketing
Reach Digital in conjunction with the City of Monash hosted a series of workshops for Victoria's Small Business Festival in August 2013. We were very excited to be a part of the festival and be able to share our knowledge to local businesses.
From: Mauricio Iraheta
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Social Media Impacts College Choices
How is social media affecting colleges' admissions decisions? Three college representatives from Berry College, Purdue University, and the University of Chicago weighed in, and three Chamblee seniors also shared their opinions about social media's impacts. Find out more in this video produced by the Chamblee High School Blue and Gold (@bulldogspage1).
From: Erin Woo
Related topics : college admissions and social media
Exploring social media in Italy with Barbara Ghirimoldi
What looks like social media in Italy? Barbara Ghirimoldi from the Milan office shares some insights and details about the state of Social Media in Italy. Enjoy.
From: Text100
Related topics : social media
Oakland University's Official Social Media Street Team
Students who are involved on campus and have a strong voice on social media are invited to join Oakland University's Official Social Media Street Team. Register at and start using #ThisIsOU to tell your OU story. Alumni, faculty, staff and friends of OU are also welcome to join.
From: oaklanduniv
Related topics : universities using social media / social media social
Building Your Brand Through Social Media
Making a good first impression is important, and our presence on social media increasingly makes that impression for us. Social media activities that are personal, attractive, and focused have a larger impact and build a strong personal brand. (Group Members: Tina Sadeghi, MSx '16, Colby Davis, MBA ''16, Patel Rajan, MBA '16, Eric Oliff, MBA '16) .
From: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Related topics : social media brand building / social media branding
JSD Social Media Guidelines
This video is designed to explain Jordan School District's Social Media Guidelines and give options for using social media appropriately in the classroom. We are asking all employees to watch this video, which we hope will answer questions you may have. Thank you for your time and all you do for the children of Jordan School District.
From: Jordan School District
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Twitter, Facebook & other Social Media Security and a Twitter RickRoll experiment
Social Media Security expert Tom Eston gave advice on staying safe when using social media at the CoolTwitter Conference at the House of Blues Cleveland. Learn about his parody account of Rick Astley and his experiment for the largest Twitter Rick Roll.
From: Dan Hanson
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