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Social Media in Real Estate and Property Management
A word from our Director of Social Media, Michelle Cirrito…
Michelle, a graduate of Loyola Marymount University, shares with us the importance of social media integration in the property management and real estate industry.
Social Media/Marketing has become even more successful within the past couple of years due to the constant shifts. Millennials have greatly impacted this industry and social media because their fresh ideas keep the buzz going. The internet has always allowed for...
From: The LaBrada Group Property Management and Real Estate Services
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Social Media Marketing Rock Star! 8-19-16
In this webinar Greg Towne will help you discover how to take your online social media contact and get business from it! Social media is no longer about likes, followers, and retweets! It is now about interacting! For more information visit
From: Greg Towne Speaker
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Tech PR Firm's Interview with 11Alive TV Social Media Guru
Arketi Group, a high-tech BtoB PR and marketing firm, recently spoke with Chris Sweigart, reporter and director of social media for 11Alive, about the ubiquity of social media technologies and how reporters can leverage them to expand the traditional newsroom.
From: Arketi Group
Related topics : pr firms social media / social media marketing firm / social media report / btob social media marketing / social media firm
Social Media For Kids @ Mott Hall Bridges Academy
Social Media For Kids® raises awareness about "cyber bullying" and other dangers associated with the misuse of social networks by young people. It educates them on web etiquette, personal responsibility and the ethics of posting information that can be seen by classmates, friends, family and the general public. The workshop and course series educates and ultimately changes the attitudes of youth and their parents on how social media can be a positive tool used to advance an individual's...
From: SocialMediaForKids
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The World of Social Media 2012
Get to grips with the latest stats and figures around internet and social media usage in 2012 and discover the world of social media courtesy of digital marketing agency Iconic biz media.
For a full list of all the statistics in the video; Tweet us!
From: IconicBizMedia
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Sysomos MAP Technology Overview
Sysomos is redefining social media analytics by providing corporations, marketers, public relations agencies and advertisers with the intelligence and insight needed to make smarter business and strategic decisions.
The Sysomos platform brings business intelligence to social media, giving you instant and unlimited access to all social media conversations so you can quickly see what's happening, why it's happening, and who's driving the conversations.
Sysomos. Business Intelligence for Social...
From: Sysomos
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How Social Media Can Influence your Job Search
More and more recruiters are starting to get social by either publicizing their jobs- or even seeking out candidates- on social media channels. Engaging on social media requires a lot of time and effort. And, while it's not crucial to landing a job in international development (at the end of the day, it's having the right skills and expertise), it can help to get you noticed, establish yourself as a thought leader in your space and engage with people who can broaden your network.
From: Devex
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Job Talk In College- HBO (social media coordinator)
Valerie Monte is a social media coordinator at HBO, she tells her story transitioning from college to working at HBO.
From: Alexander Alpert
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Social Media Aggregators: ODNB
Jim Cramer likes social media but is pressed for time, so the Urken siblings teach him how to get his accounts in one place.
From: TheStreet
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Social Media Marketing specialist
I am professional social media marketing specialist. I am willing to provide you a supper SMM service for your business,brand or any website.
From: sheriti reza
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