Selected videos for topic: social media social
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Social media: good or bad?
There are plenty of reasons to champion social media. For some, they played a key role in the Arab uprisings, allowing the unheard to give voice to their struggles. In the West, too, social media are deemed increasingly vital to public life, be it President Obama's high-profile tweeting strategy, or influential Facebook-driven campaigns. But are social media really such a force for good? Are there downsides as well? Is the private sphere being rendered all too public? What about free speech,...
From: worldwrite
Related topics : good social media campaigns / using social media
Teens and Social Media: The Mistakes They Could Be Making
Social Media can help us network and stay connected with friends. But could our online presence be harming our digital representation of ourselves? I dig into how teens are using Social Media in ways they may not realize could jeopardize their professional future.
From: Brittany Bassler
Related topics : social media mistakes / social media help / online social media / social media social
5 Things You Shouldn't Do On Social Media
We all use social media quite often, but are we creating some bad habits with it? This week on These Guys, Joe & Mark will go through a list of 5 things you shouldn't do on social media.
There are some great ones in here! Check it out!
Start the series from the beginning:
From: Collective Evolution
Related topics : using social media / social media list / social media social
Senior Project: How Social Media Changes The Way That We Think, Communicate, And Take Pictures
Hey guys! I'm currently working on my Senior Project right now..
My topic is on How Social Media Changes The Way That We Think, Communicate, And Take Pictures. I know the majority of us have heard some pretty negative things about social media..or you may not have had some bad experience with it yourself.
So.. I thought it would be interesting, to do the complete opposite, and talk to you guys about why I think about social media, and why I believe it's actually more positive than negative....
From: Desiree Almaraz
Related topics : social media changed communication / social media social
No No's on Social Media
What are the major traps to avoid on social media? What are the real "no-no's" of communication via "new" media?
Are we headed for a world where social media becomes the primary form of communication and more traditional forms fade away?
Social commentator and futurist Mal Fletcher looks at these questions and more in this interview with Dave Piper on British radio. (Recorded at the ONE festival, Lincoln, England.)
From: Mal Fletcher
Related topics : world social media
Know Your Audience Better and Sell More Using Social Listening
Sonar's Social Media Monitoring Dashboard is designed to make social media listening benefit brands and agencies rather than a hassle. View data metrics by each channel or in aggregated numbers available on the main dashboard. Take your data on the go with tablet viewing support
From: Sonar Platform
Related topics : social media brand monitoring / social media listening / brands using social media / social media dashboard / social media branding
Social Media influencers or advocates? Which is right?
This is an extract from the blog post "Influencers vs. Advocates.. but what should brands do to have success?" which was featured on the Social Media Jedi blog -
Subscribe to the YouTube channel for the latest videos from the Social Media Jedi and his team:
The Social Media Jedi series brought to you by
From: socialmediajedi
Related topics : youtube social media / blogs and social media / social media branding
Alexander Alvaro at the EIF Debate on the impact of Social Networks on MEPs daily work
The impact of social media on people's lives ranging from active participation in political dialogue to personal stories of families being reunited is unprecedented. Social media are platforms on which active political dialogue takes place on a daily basis. Citizens can now speak directly to their leaders, new political movements are born online, and a single voice can reach an audience of millions.
Alexander Alvaro, Vice-President of the European Parliament and EIF Governor
This EIF...
From: EIFonline
Related topics : internal social media policy / social network policies at work / social networking policy
#Powershift: Social Media Superstars
The Social Media Superstars episode of our #PowerShift series, hosted by Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner, has shown how young people with huge online followings are able to use their influence to create real change.
From: The Huffington Post UK
Related topics : social media hosting
What's happening on social media in Australia?
Social media in Australia has evolved, but to what extent? Find out some interesting statistics and facts, and don't get left behind if you're in business.
From: Francine Bishop
Related topics : social media statistics / social media in business