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5 Social Media Functions
Learn how to use the social media functions on FutureNet. Make friends, like, comment, block others, avoid spamming and more.
From: FutureNet
Related topics : social media functions / social media social media
Social Media Insider - Episode 2
This episode of Social Media Insider focuses on the importance of incorporating video on your site and landing pages.
From: PartnerCentric
Related topics : social media insider / social media sites
Tips for Running a Successful Ad Campaign on Social Media
A few tips on getting your social media ad campaigns going for your business.
From: HoM Consulting
Related topics : successful social media campaign / social media tips / social media in business / social media social media
Advertising Watchdog Urges Action on Social Media Ads
A consumer watchdog is urging the federal government to take action against social media posts that are actually product endorsements.
The group, Truth in Advertising, believes using social media in such a manner is deceptive as many media stars never disclose they are being paid to endorse a product.
The group used the Kardashian and Jenner sisters as a baseline and found over on hundred Instagram posts that ignored existing laws because they were not label as advertisements.
The have urged...
From: Wochit News
Related topics : ftc social media advertising / social media in education presentation / social media news / social media social
Technodope Promo Video. Technodope is a tech and social media blog. It publishes original content on technology and social media where you can find tutorials, reviews and facts on Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, Oracle, open source, Microsoft, Android, Facebook, Twitter, Zynga and many more. We also publish trending topics and breaking news on technology and social media. It also has a social network called TechnodopeHub. To know more about Technodope, visit
From: Technodope Page
Related topics : social media and technology / social media blogs / social media news / social media tutorial / open source social media
Q&A - Social Media For Artists
A few tips for budding artists on how to grow your following. These tips can also be used for renewing you social media marketing!
Visit my website and social media to see more!
Instagram: @amiehowardart
Twitter: @AmieHowardArt
Visit my Patreon page to view tutorials, ebooks, art boxes and more instructional material!
From: Amie Howard Art
Related topics : social media marketing websites / marketing through social media / social media tips
Social Media Certificate
Program lead and Compass Content Marketing head Emily Baillie discusses some of the courses in our part-time Social Media Certificate.
From: The Part-Time School, Media Studies and IT Humber College
Related topics : social media education programs / social media marketing program / social media courses / social media content / social media social media
Ode to Social Media BEA14 Barnes Scalzi Johnson
"Ode to Social Media" composed by Bill Barnes for Maureen Johnson and here sung by Barnes and John Scalzi to Johnson at Book Expo America 2014 on The Worst Social Media Advice Ever panel moderated by Ron Hogan (May 30, 2014) at Javits Center in NYC.
From: Rich Kelley
Related topics : social media
5 Cool Ideas for Holiday Social Media Marketing | Two Minute Tuesdays
Social media marketing can be a huge boost to your online business, especially during the holidays. But to really maximize this opportunity, it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve. To help you think outside of the box, check out today's episode to learn some cool ideas to amplify your holiday social media marketing for your ecommerce business.
From: Volusion
Related topics : social media marketing ideas for business / marketing through social media / social media today / social media help
Let's Talk Social Recruiting - Social Stats
Let's Talk Social Recruiting - Social Stats
Year after year, more recruiters and employers are using social media to support their recruitment efforts. Make social media work for your employer brand.
Related topics : using social media for recruitment / social media branding