What Is Social Network Analysis? - Analytic Technologies

What Is Social Network Analysis?



What is Network Analysis?

Network analysis is the study of social relations among a set of actors. It is a field of study -- a set of phenomena or data which we seek to understand.

In the process of working in this field, network researchers have developed a set of distinctive theoretical perspectives as well. Some of the hallmarks of these perspectives...

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Date: 2015-10-12 23:12:57
Website: http://www.analytictech.com

Related topics : analysis of social network data / social network analysis theory / employee social network analysis / social network analysis survey examples / development of social network analysis

Strategy Development: Social Network Analysis - ODI

Social Network Analysis


January 2009

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a research technique that focuses on identifying and comparing the relationships within and between individuals, groups and systems in order to model the real-world interactions at the heart of organisational knowledge and learning processes. Whereas an organisation chart shows formal relationships of function and...

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Website: https://www.odi.org

Related topics : social network analysis (sna) software / development of social network analysis / social network analysis survey tool / social network analysis tool / social network analysis research

1 Social Network Analysis Tutorial Rob Cross University of ...

1 Social Network Analysis Tutorial Rob Cross University of Virginia

Published by Charles Clarke Modified about 1 year ago


Presentation on theme: "1 Social Network Analysis Tutorial Rob Cross University of Virginia"-- Presentation transcript:

1 1 Social Network Analysis Tutorial Rob Cross University of Virginia robcross@virginia.edu

2 2 Social network analysis tutorial Planning and...

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Website: http://slideplayer.com

Related topics : social networking analysis ppt / analysis of social networking / analysis social networks / social network analysis survey examples / social network analysis survey tool

PARTNER Tool | Program to Analyze, Record, and Track ...

PARTNER is a Social Network Analysis Tool to Collect, Analyze, & Interpret Data to Improve Collaboration within Community Networks

The Need for Tools to Assess Partnerships/Collaboration

A major challenge facing organizations today is how to partner with other organizations, agencies, and groups to collaboratively address social and political goals while effectively maximizing resource sharing of...

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Website: http://partnertool.net

Related topics : social network analysis survey tool / social network analysis tool / analysis of social network data / social network analysis survey examples / social network analysis survey questions

Semantic Networks and Social Networks ~ Stephen Downes

Purpose: To illustrate the need for social network metadata within semantic metadata.

Design/methodology/approach: Surveys properties of social networks and the semantic web, suggests that social network analysis applies to semantic content, argues that semantic content is more searchable if social network metadata is merged with semantic web metadata.

Findings: The use of social network metadata...

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Website: http://www.downes.ca

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Network Evaluation | Better Evaluation

Network Evaluation

" />

A network evaluation may consider a range of questions and adopt a variety of options for undertaking the evaluation depending on factors such as the type, size, stage of development and purpose of the network.

Networks may be closed (bound) or open (unbounded), web-based or located within a specified geographic area. Purposes can include information sharing, mutual...

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Date: 2017-03-10 08:29:57
Website: http://www.betterevaluation.org

Related topics : social network evaluation / social network analysis research / social network analysis visualization software / social network analysis diagram / social network analysis (sna) software

The art of business relationships through social media

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"Ah, relationships," moaned a dejected Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) at the end of the film, Annie Hall, "Who needs them." The fact is that any business today, whether a sole proprietorship or a multi-national, needs to build relationships. Which is why knowing how to leverage the value that social networks can contribute to establishing and sustaining relationships is crucial. This...

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Website: http://iveybusinessjournal.com

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Social Media Platforms 2015 [Research] - Heidi Cohen

Social Media Platforms 2015 [Research]

Posted on May 27, 2015 by Heidi Cohen in Social Media | 2 Comments

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Use Social Media To Reach The Right Audience For Your Business

As a marketer, understand what your peers are doing on various social media platforms to maximize your business results.

Social Media Examiner does the marketing community a great service by assessing how marketers use the...

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Website: http://heidicohen.com

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The social impact of social media: creator or destroyer of ...

This is a learning module for the class  Contemporary Social / Mass Media Theory  taught at Purdue University by  Sorin Adam Matei

Social Capital Theory proposes that effective social action and the wellbeing of social groups, from the smallest voluntary organization to entire societies, is the product of a "secret ingredient:" social capital.  Traditionally, if a group or institution...

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Website: http://matei.org

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The role of networks in organizational change | McKinsey ...

The role of networks in organizational change

By Robert L. Cross, Salvatore Parise, and Leigh M. Weiss

The role of networks in organizational change

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Companies shouldn't focus so much on formal structures that they ignore the informal ones.

A few years ago, the world's leading designer and manufacturer of office products decided that it needed an...

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Website: http://www.mckinsey.com

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NodeXL: Network Overview, Discovery and Exploration for ...


NodeXL is the MSPaint of Networks.

NodeXL Basic is a free, open-source template for Microsoft® Excel® 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 that makes it easy to explore network graphs .  With NodeXL, you can enter a network edge list in a worksheet, click a button and see your graph, all in the familiar environment of the Excel window.

NodeXL Pro offers additional features that extend NodeXL...

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Website: http://nodexl.codeplex.com

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What software exists for visualizing and analyzing large ...

There have been a lot of terrific answers to this question! I wanted to point out though that the best software to use for network analysis in a particular circumstance will really depend on a number of factors, including:

What skills you have, especially do you have development skills and if so what languages?

How large the network in question is?

Are you more focussed on visualization or the...

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Website: https://www.quora.com

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Social information processing (theory) - Wikipedia

Social information processing theory focuses on the social processes that occur when two or more people are engaged in communication, similar to theories such as social presence theory , social penetration theory , and uncertainty reduction theory . What makes SIP different from these theories is its distinct focus on communication mediated solely by information and communications technologies ....

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Date: 2017-02-23 12:45:00
Website: https://en.wikipedia.org

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Social media analytics tools offer customer insights, but ...

Social media analytics tools offer customer insights, but care needed

by Nicholas Evelson, Contributor

While analyzing social media data can yield valuable information, consultants caution that the process is still a complex and inexact science.


Essential Guide Section you're in:Confronting the challenges of social media analytics tools

More articles from this...

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Website: http://searchbusinessanalytics.techtarget.com

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For Students 2016

Digital identity and reputation: How an individual is represented online in the public domain, based on activities, connections or tagging, for example, social media posts, photos, public online comments/reviews, awareness and monitoring of how others are depicting you online.

Permanence of their actions: Digital content is everlasting, even when individuals delete it or believe privacy settings...

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Website: http://www.iste.org

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MRA Guide to the Top 16 Social Media Research Questions ...

MRA and IMRO published this simple guide to Social Media Research (SMR) in 2010 in order to help researchers identify and find answers to the most important questions to SMR techniques.


Social networks engulf everyday life. They represent a place to share news, ideas and information of all kinds. The connections made among people in these networks, and the resulting information...

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Date: 2017-03-10 06:55:54
Website: http://www.insightsassociation.org

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Project Portfolio Management Tools: - Priority System

Printable version

Part 1 identified available tools for project portfolio management. This part describes key differences among the tools.

All tools for project portfolio management (PPM) share a common feature; namely, a database containing information on proposed and/or ongoing projects. Typical project data include the project description, owner, cost estimates, resources required,...

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Date: 2016-07-18 16:16:12
Website: http://www.prioritysystem.com

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How to Spot a Narcissist on Social Media | Social Media Today

November 26, 2016 Aleksandra Atanasova

We all have those annoying Facebook friends who simply can't stop posting selfies. As soon as they cross the threshold of a location, they create a check-in status�and they never fail to inform us if they feel "excited" or "relaxed" there. Eventually, we block such people -�but then again, aren't we all like that at times? Psychologists warn that...

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Website: http://www.socialmediatoday.com

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Bioengineering Courses - University of California, San Diego

All courses, faculty listings, and curricular and degree requirements described herein are subject to change or deletion without notice. Updates may be found on the Academic Senate website: http://senate.ucsd.edu/catalog-copy/approved-updates/ .


For course descriptions not found in the UC San Diego General Catalog, 2016-17, please contact the department for more information.

Note: The...

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Date: 2017-02-08 16:30:00
Website: http://www.ucsd.edu

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Key Findings from U.S. Digital Marketing Spending Survey, 2013

Marketing leaders have secured bigger budgets to define markets and attract, acquire and retain customers. Yet, increased funding is a double-edged sword. It brings new opportunities but puts more pressure on marketers to deliver and prove a return on the investments. Use our seven key findings to benchmark your marketing budgets...

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Website: http://www.gartner.com

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