Social Media Week 2015: Social Bollywood

A discussion with Pooja Kohli, Ratan Ginawalla and Malini Agarwal on understanding the emerging trends and recent expansions in technologies and social media which is empowering Indian Cinema and evaluating the factors which is aiding its success on the Global Platform.

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From: Avid Learning

Related topics : emerging social media technologies / emerging social media trends

The Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist with Jeremiah Owyang

Corporations have anointed an Open Leader, the Social Strategist. In Altimeter Group's research, we found that this emerging role is critical in the adoption of new media for corporations. Over 41% were located in the Marketing department with primary responsibilities of leading the social program, participating in social media, and acting as a corporate resource for business units. Yet most Social Strategists and their programs lack maturity. Only 27% of Social Strategists had a formalized...

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From: Mike Lewis

Related topics : social media marketing strategist / social media for market research / social media help / internal social media / marketing through social media

Social Cosmos - Vol 2: Ibotta

Zocalo Group is exploring emerging social media communities and apps. Join Marty Finn and Kara Price as they talk about what new app Ibotta means for marketers and brands.

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From: Zocalo Group

Related topics : emerging social media apps / social media marketing apps

Christian Sandvig: Future Social Science On and With Digital Media

What it means to study society is profoundly changing as we are increasingly surrounded by and incorporated into a pervasive network of digital media. In this panel, five scholars will comment for five minutes each on emerging research problems, opportunities, and methods in social science both with and about digital media. Topics will include computational (or e-) social science, new forms and genres of social media, new methods and tactics, legal obstacles to transformative research, and...

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From: The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society

Related topics : social media in education research / social science network research

Youth Activists on Using ICT and Social Media to End Violence against Women

Youth activists speak with Say NO on the power of the internet, emerging technologies and social media to end violence against women. (Producer: Say NO - UNiTE, Released: May 2011)

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From: SayNoToViolence

Related topics : emerging social media technologies

DrupalMac / Website & Social Media / Application Design & Development / Facebook Apps

Social Media & Web Marketing with Drupal - DrupalMac offers rich website and social media experiences aimed to drive sales and brand awareness. We build full-scale Facebook applications and specialize in 100% customizable Drupal CMS websites.

Our team consists of several individuals who have dedicated a significant portion of their lives to what it is they love! Bringing ideas to life!

Our goal is to provide turn-key social media and web applications...

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From: DrupalMac

Related topics : social media marketing ideas facebook / social media marketing websites / social media marketing companies / marketing through social media / social media branding

Emergency video!!! Buying Followers, Free Followers, Social Media Stars, Planet Sh**ness, & Respect

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From: Smashing Weights - Jeff Wright

Related topics : social media buying

Hipfluence: social media marketing and public relations

Hipfluence is a boutique firm in San Diego that enhances clients marketing, public relations, and business development through the use of word-of-mouth endorsements, social media, and other web emerging technologies.

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From: hipfluence

Related topics : social marketing public relations / social media public relations / social media marketing firm / marketing through social media

Social Media for Social Good: Gopi Kallayil at TEDxSanLuisObispo

Gopi Kallayil shows how social media is emerging as a platform for building communities of interest for people across language and geographical boundaries, including connecting Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dali Lama across international lines for a birthday celebration. Prior to joining the Google Plus team, Gopi worked on marketing Google's flagship advertising product, AdWords, and led the marketing team for AdSense, Google's publisher-facing product.

In the spirit of ideas worth...

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From: TEDx Talks

Related topics : emerging social media platforms

Beware ill-used buzzwords

Mobile and Social aren't "emerging" media. They're (respectively) established and in process of being established. The term "emerging" applies to neither in 2010, and any "expert" who uses "emerging media" as a descriptor for either (or both) might want to check what decade s/he lives in. Shot for the BrandBuilder blog.

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From: Olivier Blanchard

Related topics : emerging social media