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Wisers Semianr - Social Media Trends & Integrated Marketing 20110602
Matthew Kwan, Principal Consultant of Adams ( was speaking on the latest trend of Social Media and how to integrate different online channels to make a marketing campaign with highest impact.
From: adamshongkong
Related topics : latest trends in social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media consultant
Social media that work for b2b
Paul Gillin, author of Social Marketing to the Business Customer, talks about what makes b2b different than consumer social media and what works for business marketers. Including examples.
Mobium is the transformative business branding firm dedicated to b-to-b marketers who want to disrupt the outmoded conventions of their industries. we changes things. we believe things. we see things differently, think differently and do things differently. we help change agents craft their brand...
From: mobiumtv
Related topics : b2b social media marketing / social media marketing strategy example / social media branding for business / social media marketing firm
Social Media Marketing Explained, Pam Perry PR for CD & PR Power Pack
From: Pam Perry
Related topics : social media marketing seminar / marketing through social media
3 Reasons Why Social Media Companies Don't Make Sense For Business
As a business owner Social Media Marketing should be a piece of your marketing mix. Its a great tool and it's not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, its just going to keep getting stronger as faster and more cool apps come out to connect people even more.
Find other information like this at
From: yourmarketingmentor
Related topics : social media marketing companies / social media tools for business / social media marketing tool
New Social Media Business And Affiliate Gifts Devon Brown announces new Social Media home business is complete for his WebCopyCat system users. Devon also gives a shout out to last month's top affiliate marketers.
From: Devon Brown
Related topics : social media in business / affiliate marketing social media / social media gifts / social media media
Shaw Academy Social Media Marketing Review | Lesson 5
The purpose of this video is to get you thinking about our fifth lesson and the interesting ways you might approach Twitter. In addition to this, you will get a short summary of what will be covered in Lesson 6 of your Social Media Marketing Course. So get thinking, get creative, get commenting, and have fun!
You can connect with us on:
From: Shaw Academy Social Media Marketing
Related topics : creative marketing social media / marketing through social media / social media courses
299 Video Commercial and a Targeted Social Media Promotion | Video Marketing Campaign
Get a Video Commercial and a Targeted Social Media Promotion Only $299 Video Marketing Campaign
299 Video Commercial is a division of MAG Marketing Network. We'll give you the best ROI you can get today with a video marketing campaign targeted to your local area.
OK, so everyone knows a video is what it takes to increase brand recognition, engagement as well as make more sales.
So, If you are still relying on old-school advertising methods to market your...
From: Media Ad Group | MAG Marketing Network
Related topics : social media marketing commercial / social media network marketing services / social media promotion
Social media luxury real estate
Yes using social media in the luxury or high end of the real estate market matters and makes a difference in getting your asking price.
From: Jessica Riffle Edwards
Related topics : luxury social media marketing / social media marketing pricing / marketing through social media / social media social media
Women Dominate Every Social Media Network -- Except One
According to a recent Pew study, women use every major social media channel more than men, with the exception of LinkedIn. Numbers don't lie: women dominate social media.
So, what does this mean for us marketers?
In this week's episode of Carrie's Corner, Carrie Kerpen gives some insight on why you should take these trends seriously to position your social media messaging.
From: Likeable Media
Related topics : recent trends in social media marketing / using social media marketing
How to Update All of Your Social Networking Sites at Once with Hootsuite
Free Social Media Marketing To-Do List In Your Inbox Every Wednesday
From: GetTheDash
Related topics : social media networking sites list / free social network site / marketing through social media