Social Media Marketing Video Tutorial and Guide

Go to for a free social media marketing consult. This social media marketing tutorial covers Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. Here is an outline of the topics covered in this social media tutorial guide:

1) Facebook Marketing

-How to increase Facebook fans

-Increasing Facebook shares on posts

-Using questions for engagement

-Using images to get the most shares

2) Twitter Marketing

-How to get more Twitter followers

-Asking for the Retweet

-Best times...

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From: socialmediadd

Related topics : social media marketing tutorial / marketing through social media / social media consultant

Social media marketing MEETUP Discussion 06

Social media marketing Discussion with entrepreneurs, business persons, professionals, and students - by expert faculty Jyotindra Zaveri

Nice to see participants asking questions to Jyotindra Zaveri in this MEETUP on topics such as , LinkedIn group, facebook group, post engagement, Paid Advertisements, Digital signature.

Contact Jyotindra Zaveri, Social Media Marketing. ERP and IoT Consultant & Trainer. Ex-IBM. Computer Engineer (Germany). IT Professional since….1975. WhatsApp +91 95529...

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From: Jyotindra Zaveri

Related topics : social media marketing consulting / social media platforms for business / social media consultant / social media advertising examples / social media platforms list

How to Create a Social Media Policy [VIDEO]

In this video, communications consultant Susan Rink explains the six essential elements you should have in your organization's social media policy.

To learn more employee communications strategies, including ideas for using social media innovations for internal communications and employee engagement, visit Rink Strategic Communications online

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From: RinkComms

Related topics : social media internal communications / internal social media policy

How to Grow Your Audience on Social Media Get More Engagement

Learn a two step process for finding and sharing content on your social media channels that your prospects and customers will love in only 30 minutes a week.

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From: Digital Marketing Wingman

Related topics : social media audience engagement / social media content

Emotional Content = Audience Engagement

Why do certain social media posts get 200 likes, 20 comments, and 7 shares while other posts we think people would love to see end up not getting much attention at all?

An emotional connection is key to an engaging social media post. You can see how evident this is if you’ve seen any of the viral “soldier returns home” or “puppy gets rescued” videos that are posted one day and picked up by major media outlets less than a week later. There are plenty of examples. Here are a two recent...

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From: Jennifer Vickery

Related topics : social media audience engagement

Contact Centre - Social Media Monitor & React

More and more customer engagement is being conducted through social media channels. Sometimes it is necessary to monitor that channel, like Twitter, for comment that might be damaging to the organisation. Sedicii has designed a service that will identify comments of a prescribed nature and then allow a contact to be made with a customer through a private, voice channel. In this way, immediate action can be taken to address a comment rather than allowing it to fester in a public forum while no...

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From: Sedicii Innovations Ltd

Related topics : monitoring social media channels

Invincibelle's President Deepika Bajaj at Milken Global 2010

SmartBrief's Senior Editor Mary Ellen Slayter sits down with Invincibelle's Founder and President Deepika Bajaj to discuss the intersection of social media and diversity. Bajaj speaks to how companies can use social media to increase employee engagement and improve their recruiting practices.

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From: smartbrief

Related topics : social media for recruitment companies / using social media for recruitment / social media engagement

Social Selling University - Primer is a series of content being developed to help sales people use social media. The telephone was invented in 1876 and was the primary tool for sales people up until the early 1980's when email was adopted for communication. These tools are staples in business communication but times are changing and sales professionals need to adapt to new tools that talk to a new evolution of customer 2.0.

Social Selling University is not like social media courses which are...

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From: InsideView

Related topics : universities using social media / using social media marketing / new social media tools / social media content / social media marketing tools

Foodservice Rewards and Social Networking

Check out the various ways Foodservice Rewards is utilizing Social Media to engage its members.

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From: foodservicerewards

Related topics : social network rewards / social media engagement

Building and Engaging Your Social Community

Interested in growing your online presence?

Social media expert and Marketing Manager at Greenleaf Book Group, Corrin Foster, provides listeners with strategies on how to effectively engage your social network and build your online platform!

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From: Greenleaf Book Group

Related topics : social media online marketing / social online network / social media listening strategy / social media engagement / social media expert