A Crash Course in Choosing Images for Social Media from the Nonprofit Leadership Center

In this quick video tutorial, NLC Education Manager Jennifer Dodd offers tips and best practices to ensure the images you choose for your social media channels increase engage and protect your brand's reputation. Learn more at www.NonprofitLeadershipCenter.com.

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From: NLCTampaBay

Related topics : social media images / social media courses / social media brand management / social media branding

Social Media Monitoring - Nigel Legg - Brrism9

Social media is all about conversations but the problem is that there are just so many of them. Its like walking into a cocktail party in a room the size of an aircraft hangar. Whos talking about you? Whos having the conversations with which you should engage? And, given the nature of the conversations, what should YOU say?

Nigel Legg will be talking about the role of social media monitoring in all this. What tools are out there and how should they be used both in context of the corporation...

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From: BrrismTV

Related topics : monitoring social media conversations / social media monitoring tools / social media tools / social media engagement

UTD Marketing Conference: Southwest Airlines on Social Media

Conference speaker Ashley Pettit, Analyst for Southwest Airlines, explained the value of social networking and how Southwest Airlines aims to retain customers by keeping them engaged and informed via a variety of social media outlets. Southwest uses both Facebook and Twitter to announce corporate news, fare sales, and simply to interact with clients. Pettit gave a case study in which Southwest celebrated an anniversary with a special Birthday sale promoted strictly through social media (without...

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From: UTDallas Marketing Program

Related topics : social media marketing conferences / airline social network / social media advertising

Vintage Wine Estates Ep 1 - A Social Media Plan and Objectives - Vitrue Social Marketing Minute

Vintage Wine Estates discusses its social media plan and objectives with Vitrue - We had three objectives when we got started. One was simply being present in social media channels where we knew conversations about our brand were already taking place. Second was really engaging with our prospects in this new way and hopefully delivering value to our existing customers. Ultimately, from a business perspective, we are really trying to find a way to increase our traffic and sales not only to our...

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From: vitrue

Related topics : social media marketing plan / social media planning / social media marketing sites / social media branding / social media engagement

Facebook Olympics Hub - London Olympics 2012 - Social Media Marketing

Facebook Olympics Hub - London Olympics 2012 - Social Media Marketing. In this episode of the Future of Engagement, Murray Newlands takes a look at Facebook's launch of a hub for the 2012 Olympics in London starting next month and talks about what you can learn from Facebook's example for your brand. Through this hub Facebook makes the attempt to become a one-stop shop for information about athletes, teams, and sports participating in the...

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From: Future Of Engagement

Related topics : social media marketing london / social media hub / social media brand monitoring / social media engagement / social media information

Workshop: Emerging Social Media Tools RebelMouse and NewHive

Michelle Rogers, director of community engagement and editorial training for Digital First Media's Michigan Group, presents a workshop on the emerging social media tools RebelMouse and NewHive. To find out more about free workshops offered at the Southeast Michigan Media Lab, visit http://bit.ly/178shH7

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From: Community Media Lab

Related topics : free social media tools / social media engagement

ClickAss Digital

Audience Acquisition, Engagement & Retention Specialists

Content Marketing | Social Media Optimisation | SEO |ORM | Programmatic | Digital Training | Loyalty Rewards Technology | Listening Tools

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From: Clickass Digital

Related topics : social media audience engagement / digital media marketing / social media listening tools / orm social media / social media training

On the Job Episode 1: Rules of Social Media Engagement - Stark & Stark

Arthur Kravitz, Esq. discusses how to protect yourself if you have been injured at work. Insurance companies and public employers DON'T want to pay you benefits - they want to find ways to avoid paying you benefits by investigating you.

The first thing Mr. Kravitz always suggests is to STAY OFF Facebook and other social media platforms. Insurance adjusters may even try to "friend" you in a search for evidence of activity that you are performing beyond what they expect you should be able to. If...

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From: Stark & Stark Attorneys at Law

Related topics : social media rules of engagement / social media job search

Radian6 Webinar: 7 Sure Signs Your Social Media Strategy Will Fail (& How To Fix Them)

For more information on social media for business and to sign up for upcoming webinars visit http://www.radian6.com/

Success may be hard to predict, but failure is actually pretty easy... especially when it comes to social media. Getting ahead in the social world requires more than desperately creating content, finding a great listening tool, or on-and-off engagement. You need to build a likeable and trusted brand.

In this insightful webinar with Rohit Bhargava, author of the newly published...

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From: radian6

Related topics : free social media tools for business / social media branding for business / social media listening tools free / social media information / social media content

Mobile Fundaz tells you how Social Media and Search are inter-related

Rajiv Jadhav (Digital Strategist @ Mobile Fundaz) explains to viewers about the relationship between social media and search and how imperative it is for marketers to understand this in their attempt to engage with their consumers. To find out what social media solutions Mobile Fundaz can develop for your brand or business pls submit a query on www.mobilefundaz.net

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From: rsquare media

Related topics : search & social media marketing / social media branding for business / social media solutions / social media engagement