MadKoo - Your SEO agency in Sydney

Our team of specialists consistently delivers outstanding results combining creative ideas with our vast experience.

We can help you build a sustainable, meaningful relationship with your clients by engaging them with your brand using social media.

We work in areas as diverse as search engine optimisation, social media marketing, email marketing and digital marketing.

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From: MadKoo SEO agency

Related topics : search engine marketing social media / digital media marketing agency / social media branding / social media engagement

Personal Safety Social Media and Location Based Services

Social media and networking platforms and location based services have transformed the way we communicate. They have many useful and entertaining elements, but we should still take pause and put some thought into who we engage.

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From: PersonalSafetyGroup

Related topics : location based social media platforms / using social media / social media engagement

Marketing your music on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram

Are you an independent artist who wants to build and engage fans on social media?  Do you want to know what to post, when and how often?  Do you want to avoid paying for social media promotion when possible?  Join Mike Trampe, Shah and DJ Pain 1 to learn how.

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From: Marcus Payne

Related topics : social media promotion

The Evolution of Social Media Metrics

How do you know if your social media strategies are working? Are you acquiring a following or engaging users and building relationships? This week we are all about metrics and analysis with Ricky Yean, co-founder and CEO of

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From: Janet Fouts

Related topics : social media metric / social media strategy

Social Media Engagement with the C-Suite

Chris Perry, global head of digital at Weber Shandwick, talks about the firm's latest study on Social CEOs, noting the reality of communications thinking, planning and strategy still applies with social media in the same way it does with traditional media. He posits that there are great opportunities for executives to think through how they can present their stories in compelling ways across multiple platforms.


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From: WeberShandwickGlobal

Related topics : traditional news media and social media / social media strategy

Sports Fan Engagement with CEO of Tagboard

Josh Decker the Foudner/CEO of Tagboard will Join the #SSEShow to talk about their platform. Tagboard is one of the best tools to utilize for fan engagement in sports.

Tagboard is an innovative social media company that aims to empower the hashtag as a connection tool - bringing together social media content and users together in a more meaningful and engaging way.

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From: Social Sports and Entertainment Show #SSEshow

Related topics : sports fans and social media / social media tools / social media engagement

Embracing Social Media in Education

MKTG225 and MKTG250D are two marketing courses offered at the American University of Beirut and taught by Ms. Leila Khauli Hanna @leilakhauli with MKTG250D co-taught by Prof. Nelson King @k2kaloha. Two years ago Ms. Hanna decided to embrace Social Media to engage students more in her courses, and to crowdsource content. Ms. Hanna introduced Twitter "hashtags" for each course that would be used by current, ex-students, and anyone in the community interested in the course topics. This resulted in...

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From: Jad Rahme

Related topics : marketing communications social media / digital media marketing courses / social media courses / manage social media

Promoting Your Youth Justice Action Month (YJAM) Event Through Social Media

Are You Ready for Youth Justice Action Month?

On October 1st, we kicked off Youth Justice Action Month (YJAM) 2016!

This year, with so many states once again engaged in legislative campaigns to reform and improve youth justice, we believed we were seeing “Awareness” transform into “Action”. Going forward, we want “YJAM” to stand for “Youth Justice Action Month”; same acronym, but a more powerful meaning. This webinar aimed to discuss promoting event and leveraging social...

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From: Campaign For Youth Justice

Related topics : event social media / social media engagement

Social Media 180 is a custom app & web development agency in Chico, CA.

Social Media 180 is an application and web development agency that creates promotions and games for social engagement & trackable ROI. You dream it, we dev it!

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From: Social Media 180

Related topics : social media application development / social media agency / social media promotion / social media engagement

5 Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid While Engaging With Your Followers by OPEN Forum

For more info, please visit Each week, MSNBC's Your Business features experts to share their secrets for improving your business.

Making sure your company is active on social media can help to accelerate relationships and can lead to customer acquisition. The trick is getting it right in order to reap all the benefits. Here are five key marketing mistakes you want to avoid so you can reach your target audience on social media platforms courtesy of

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From: American Express OPEN

Related topics : social media marketing mistakes to avoid / benefits of social media marketing for business / social media marketing companies / social media audience engagement