Social Insights with Jason Maynard - The New Social Media Paradigm
Jason Maynard, a tech analyst for financial services, gives you valuable insight into the future of social business and what it means for businesses and consumers.
Jason talks about what enterprises need to start doing now with their social media strategies to ensure they keeping ahead of the quickly evolving business landscape. He explains how B2B and B2C enterprises are effectively restructuring to bring social into business—and what key opportunities lie in this new paradigm.
From: Hootsuite
Related topics : social media business opportunity / social business network / social media services
Creating Your [Digital Footprint] with Social Media
Entrepreneurs and new graduates alike need to create a positive digital footprint. As important as a resume, creating or expanding a personal digital footprint positions a brand or individual as an expert or emerging expert in their chosen field. The art of personal branding through creative online marketing and branding strategies is easy but takes planning. columnist, Cindy Ratzlaff shares her business blueprint for creating a powerful personal...
From: Cindy Ratzlaff
Related topics : social media online marketing / digital media marketing strategy / social media marketing strategy / social media branding strategy / online reputation marketing
Understanding Content Marketing Issues
Meeting and understanding the needs of candidate users is critical for social media/content marketing efforts.
From: smmpdevelopment
Related topics : criticisms of social media marketing / marketing through social media / social media content
M&A Boomer :Internet and Social Media Revolution in India
This Video reflects the increase of internet activity and increase in the use of social media in India in the past few years. It shows how the Indian consumer behavior is changing and how the brands need to re-think their marketing strategies to reach the consumer efficiently. The point of focus is that in coming few years the use of social media is going to become inevitable and of the brands don't explore this area fully, they are going to be left behind. For any further details regarding...
From: MnA Boomer
Related topics : internet social media marketing services / social media branding strategy
Social Media Selling With Grant Cardone Pt.1
Grant Cardone teaches you how to sell on social media. You need a caricature of who will be promoted. All celebrities have a caricature. Then make a list of all your lines. Where will you be on? Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. each platform will have a different message. If people don't know you they won't buy from you. If they forget you they won't buy from you. You can't use too many mediums and you can't be overexposed. Do you have the energy, who is going to do it? You have to have...
From: Grant Cardone
Related topics : social media needs
Matthias Kroner on social media | Fidor Bank | World Finance Videos
World Finance interviews Matthias Kroner, CEO of Fidor Bank, on getting closer to clients through social media.
New methods of communicating are appearing online all the time. Fidor Bank believes that banks need to tap into this, and move with their client in order to regain trust. Matthias Kroner, CEO of Fidor Bank, talks about the innovative work Fidor has been doing on social media to get closer to its customers, and the technology solutions Fidor TecS is developing to improve its...
From: worldfinancevideos
Related topics : world social media / social media solutions
Tuning out social media. Forget your cell phone! Spending less time on line.
Hello Facebook family! I'm so grateful that all of you are here with me today in the "love room"! I shot this video after I had pulled myself off of social media only to meet the most charming young man named Casey at my local Whole Foods. Casey had found me through my social media outlets and I immediately new that I needed to keep my presence on line. However I learned a valuable lesson about scheduling my time much more wisely and ALWAYS leaving my phone at home now while spending time with...
From: Andrea Cox TV
Related topics : social media needs
The Difference Between Buzz Monitoring & Audience Research for Social Media (Chapter 35)
Buzz Monitoring tools can be great resources for social media marketing strategy but you will need more because they don't tell you the whole picture. Audience research is a lot more like listening and can tell you the how and the why about what's happening in buzz monitoring is happening. These three high level tips can help you sort out the difference between buzz monitoring and audience research.
From: SMMarketingBook
Related topics : social media monitoring for market research / social media monitoring tools / social media marketing tool / social media listening tools / social media tools
Strategy First (1/16): Intro
This presentation is available on Slideshare at: (
Holly introduces Neovia Solutions and lays out the strategy-based approach that will theme the presentation. She also introduces the Socialnomics video (also in this playlist).
Holly Hoffman, Co-founder and Chief Inspiration Officer for Neovia Solutions, an interactive agency based in Corpus Christi, TX, leads a seminar on social media best...
From: neoviasolutions
Related topics : social media strategy slideshare / social media solutions
Twitter Business Directory Increase Twitter Views by 2000+ % Join Chirp Directory
Twitter Business Directory Supporting Business On Twitter Since 2010 http://www.Chirp.Directory/Join Increase Views by 2000% Need A Social Media Manager ? See
From: Chirp Ltd
Related topics : social media business directory / manage social media