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Rutgers Social Media Marketing Mini-MBA
The Rutgers Social Media Marketing Mini-MBA program provides a road map to social media strategy through the use of case studies, interactive sessions and class exercises. Instructors are industry experts in their field and provide the most current and up to date research and best practices. Learn more at
From: RutgersCMD
Related topics : social media marketing program / marketing through social media / social media social
Rigzone's Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Job Candidates #JobVidsbyVal
Social media has allowed us to connect with each other in ways we would have never fathomed years ago. it is also used in job search by candidates and employers. Yes, many oil and gas companies are implementing social media as part of their recruitment strategies. And recruiters are checking your social media pages prior to even considering you for a job. So what does that mean for you? It means you should be using social media the right way in order to be considered a good job candidate....
From: Rigzone
Related topics : social media strategy for recruitment / social media for recruitment companies / social media job search / using social media for recruitment / jobs in social media
Adding Social Media Icons to WordPress Website
Baby Step five "How to add Social Media icons to your WordPress website" covers adding social media to your website
From: Thedoughraisingmom
Related topics : social media websites
Measuring social media awareness 3
Filmed at TFM&A 2010, Karl Havard for Econsultancy talks on measuring social media effectiveness.
Karl covers
• Bringing the social web/social media into context
• Understanding its value and how to measure it
• Key advocacy tips and tricks to enable your customers to "spread the word"
• References to real life examples from UK brands both big & small
From: Econsultancy
Related topics : social media measurement / social media branding examples / social media tips
Measuring social media effectiveness 1
Filmed at TFM&A 2010, Karl Havard for Econsultancy talks on measuring social media effectiveness.
Karl covers
• Bringing the social web/social media into context
• Understanding its value and how to measure it
• Key advocacy tips and tricks to enable your customers to "spread the word"
• References to real life examples from UK brands both big & small
From: Econsultancy
Related topics : social media measurement / social media branding examples / social media tips
Social Media Series | Norm Rose Norm Rose Senior Technology Analyst from PhoCusWright, talks about the impact of social media in the travel industry. Social media is already having a huge impact in the travel industry. The way people plan for their trips is changing thanks to all the social media channels out there, specially TipAdvisor, Facebook and Twitter. The travel experience for everyone becomes more personal because people are sharing a lot more information: where they are,...
From: GuestCentric
Related topics : travel industry using social media
Julianna Lopez on Studying Social Media Marketing
One of our first Social Media Marketing Certificate students discusses her journey from working professional to social media expert. Watch the video to learn why Julianna recommends our program.
From: #theVIBE at Centenary University
Related topics : social media marketing program / marketing through social media / social media media
The Power of SlideShare & Infographics for your Social Media
Jason Miller - LinkedIn, Social Fresh EAST 2014
Join us at the next Social Fresh, social media marketing conference:
From: Social Fresh
Related topics : social media marketing conferences / marketing through social media / social media social
‘Social Media Is Here To Stay’
Social media is amazing. It helps us connect, build communities and open our eyes to a new whole world. But if you take it too far then it can come at a price. Is too much of social media making us asocial or unsocial?
Vasundhra Banga says social media is definitely making people unsocial because they are too busy updating their status on Facebook, Instagram, etc rather than enjoying the moment. She says it’s disturbing to see young kids nowadays getting more and more involved with...
From: IndiaPost Live
Related topics : social media is here to stay now what / social media help / social media pricing / social media business / social media social
Social media software
social media software, social media advertising, social media marketing, social networking software, social media systems, social website software, social software tools,
From: Karwaan solutions2
Related topics : social media marketing software / social media software tools / social media marketing websites / social media networking websites / marketing through social media