The Benefits of Social Media: Marketing With Courtney
Business, career, and financial coach Courtney Taylor discussing the importance of using social media in career searching.
From: Courtney Taylor
Related topics : benefits of social media marketing for business / search & social media marketing
Online Privacy Expert John Sileo - Keynote Speaker Are You Risking Your Data and Intellectual Property by Taking Online Privacy for Granted? Watch this short video to determine if you and your employees are aggressively protecting online and social media privacy.
If your organization uses the Internet, social media and mobile technology as communication tools, you're at a distinct competitive advantage—if you use them wisely. The Internet has connected us and expanded our webs of communication well...
From: Sileo Inc
Related topics : organizations using social media / social media basics
Social Media's use for Water/Wastewater Utilities
A brief 2-minute thought on how social media (specifically Twitter) might positively impact the water/wastewater community by facilitating data sharing.
From: HardConversations
Related topics : why use social media
Social Media & Mobile in Travel Trends
A video co-produced by EyeforTravel & Digital Visitor using research data from EyeforTravel's Social Media & Mobile in Travel report that looks at the upcoming trends in Social Media and Mobile and the impact it has had on the travel industry
From: Eyefortravel
Related topics : travel industry social media trends / social media report / research social media
Social Learning
Each person in the workplace gets to learn how to use social media.
By focusing on individual interests and skills, anyone in any workplace on any level can benefit - Social Status - Social Media Trainer
From: elana bowman
Related topics : benefits of social media in the workplace
Internet Safety, Social Media Privacy, & Cyber Bullying PART 2/4
Internet safety, social media privacy and cyber bullying have continued to be dominant issues facing parents and children today. Often children are far more computer savvy than their parents. This creates gaps in our ability as parents to protect our children from online dangers and issues that arise with social media. Although numerous guest speakers, research and information has been presented on the topics of internet and social media safety, parents indicated they needed more of the...
From: Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board
Related topics : internet social media safety / social issues in the media today / online social media websites / social media media
Internet Safety, Social Media Privacy, & Cyber Bullying PART 1/4
Internet safety, social media privacy and cyber bullying have continued to be dominant issues facing parents and children today. Often children are far more computer savvy than their parents. This creates gaps in our ability as parents to protect our children from online dangers and issues that arise with social media. Although numerous guest speakers, research and information has been presented on the topics of internet and social media safety, parents indicated they needed more of the...
From: Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board
Related topics : internet social media safety / social issues in the media today / online social media websites / social media media
Internet Safety, Social Media Privacy, & Cyber Bullying PART 3/4
Internet safety, social media privacy and cyber bullying have continued to be dominant issues facing parents and children today. Often children are far more computer savvy than their parents. This creates gaps in our ability as parents to protect our children from online dangers and issues that arise with social media. Although numerous guest speakers, research and information has been presented on the topics of internet and social media safety, parents indicated they needed more of the...
From: Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board
Related topics : internet social media safety / social issues in the media today / online social media websites / social media media
Josh Damis Builds a Social Media Press Release with
J452 students at the University of Oregon created social media releases using
From: Kelli Matthews
Related topics : social media press release / universities using social media
Social Media Today
The University of Iowa offers a course over social media called Social Media Today, where students learn about the history of the medium and how to effectively use it as a tool for communication. The class recently received general education credit and could benefit students from all majors. Instructor Kyle Moody and student Rishabh Jain talk about the class and the impact it has for students.
From: University of Iowa
Related topics : benefits of social media for university students / social media today / social media courses / social media education for students