The 18th Highway Africa Conference focuses on social media platforms
The 18th edition of Highway Africa Conference hosted by Rhodes University's School of Journalism in Grahamstown Eastern Cape is underway. And focus is falling on how social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are being used during elections contested in Africa. This as the impact of social media on setting global trends remains at the centre of discussions...
From: SABC Digital News
Related topics : africa social media / social media platforms / universities using social media / social media trends
Linkedin Marketing - Social Media Myth Revealed "LinkedIn Marketing" Social Media Myth - Linkedin is not for you. Plain wrong! If you are not using Linkedin as part of your social marketing plan, you are leaving money on the table!
From: Lynn Brown
Related topics : social media linkedin / social media marketing plan / marketing through social media
Social Media's Impact on Cause Marketing with Chris Noble -- Frank Barry, Manager of Internet Strategy at Blackbaud talks with Chris Noble from the Causemedia Group about how social media is being used in the cause marketing world.
From: blackbaudinc
Related topics : social media cause marketing / marketing through social media
George Couros: How social media can help you thrive - highlights
George Couros, Division Principal of Innovative Teaching and Learning, Parkland School Division in Alberta speaks about parent involvement in the learning process of schools is the number one factor for student success. As schools look towards using social media to improve learning, many parents may be fearful of what this means. Social media provides an opportunity for parents to have meaningful engagement in the learning of their children. This can greatly change the conversations not only at...
From: Program Innovation
Related topics : why use social media / social media help
Storytelling and Social Media Management (Part 2: Discussion)
A discussion following this presentation ( This project is intended to be taken as a brief introduction to the concept of storytelling in marketing expressed through social media, and some discussion of techniques to manage stories online.
This discussion took place as part of the new course Social Media for Marketing and Management run by Professor Robert Kozinets at the Schulich School of Business in Toronto, Ontario. This exchange and preceding...
From: cjarne23
Related topics : using social media marketing / manage social media / marketing through social media / social media courses
Chicago taps social media for restaurant inspections
Officials in Chicago are working to improve restaurant inspections by using data analytics and social media to predict and detect which establishments are more likely to have potential food safety violations. NewsHour's Megan Thompson reports for the Urban Ideas series.
From: PBS NewsHour
Related topics : social media analytics
TDP What are your objectives
Using social media, and other marketing techniques - Do you know what your objectives are?
From: Kaaren Thompson
Related topics : using social media marketing / marketing through social media
How to use social media tools to grow your financial planning and investment advisory business
Tom Reimer talks about the challenges of growing and marketing your Financial Planning and Investment Advisory business in this decade and how social media may be the game changer.
From: Tom Reimer
Related topics : social media planning tools / social media marketing plan / social media marketing tool
Social Media in Sport Marketing Book Trailer
A brief video about the new book Social Media in Sport Marketing by Tim Newman, Jason Peck, Charles Harris, Brendan Wilhide.
Written from the perspective of sport professionals, this brief but thorough text explores the concepts, tools, and issues surrounding social media and marketing, with reader-friendly examples and applications specifically from the world of sports. The authors connect industry-specific content with current trends in social media and provide readers with a balance between...
From: HolcombHathawayPub
Related topics : sports and social media marketing / social media marketing tools / using social media marketing / marketing through social media / new social media tools
Launching in Social Media: Restaurants & Hospitality
Jessica Best, Community Director of Emfluence Interactive Marketing in Kansas City, Missouri, discusses the use of social media in the restaurant and hospitality industry during a Food Service Sales and Marketing class at Johnson County Community College on September 18, 2012.
From: JCCCvideo
Related topics : using social media marketing