Using Social Media to Investigate Adolescent Health
Using Social Media to Investigate Adolescent Health
Air date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 3:00:00 PM
Runtime: 01:01:21
Description: Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
Social media is widely used by adolescents, these technology allow opportunities for teens to display and describe health attitudes, intentions and behaviors. These new technologies provide an innovative means to investigate adolescent health. For the past 7 years, we have been investigating how adolescents choose to...
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Top Social Media Sites Database
Use this database to obtain a brief description and understanding of when to use over 70 of the top social media sites available today. The Social Media site descriptions also include a hyperlink for easy access, an Alexa Traffic Ranking and the application start date.
Be sure to add new resources to your database as they come available.
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Social Media Manager business in Nigeria Start your own Internet Marketing Agency and Consultancy Social Media Training Course in Nigeria to become a highly paid social media manager / consultant in Nigeria. Start a NEW Business as a Social Media Manager / Consultant or Add a Fantastic New Income Stream To Your Current Business… Get Properly Trained on how to use social media tools, different Social media strategies, services and tactics. Learn how to Set yourself up in business as a consultant helping clients maximize the benefits of social media...
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Building a social media plan is vital for every business to achieve success. In this webinar, you can expect practical tips in creating one social media strategy plan for your business!
Download the presentation slides here:
Want to learn more about social media planning? Check out additional resources here:
Social Media Strategy Guide:
Social Media Templates - blog post:
Social Media Strategy Template:
Not a...
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Social Media Marketing 101 (FR)
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3 Social Media Analytics Tools
Use these social media tools to monitor your accounts and strategize what types of content work best for your brand or blog.
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