Social Media Crash Course - Vol #1

A quick crash course on proper use of social media..

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Hi my name is Tom Mabe and I make a living making videos for YouTube and clients such as Walmart, Dreamworks, McDonalds, KYC and many more.. My main channel, Mabe In America has over 700,000 subscribers and my videos collectively have gotten over 500 million views..

Everyday I get an email asking "How do I get started on YouTube?" I have had the pleasure of...

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From: How To YouTube - Tom Mabe Vlogs

Related topics : social media courses / why use social media

2015-Transforming Learning Through a Professional Learning Network -Jimmy Casas

ICE_IL Jimmy Casas

Shared notes:

The purpose of this session is to demonstrate the benefits of transforming the role of today’s educators from a traditional isolated learner to a connected learner through the use of Social Media tools and a Professional Learning Network. This session will reveal the positive impact of social media and enable participants to leave with new understandings and skills to become lead learners who transform learning spaces in today’s wide...

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From: Illinois Computing Educators

Related topics : impact of social and professional network / new social media tools / benefits of using social media in education

Strategic Social Media Marketing: In the Nonprofit World

Of all the industry verticals looking towards social media, the nonprofit industry stands to gain the most. Factors working in the industry's favor include the natural tendencies towards advocacy, viral marketing, establishment of communities, peer-to-peer marketing, the increased use of video, and the scalability of data-driven marketing today.

This series examines the aspects of strategic planning with social media and the sequence of marketing, technology, content, audience acquisition,...

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From: Jackie Crino

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Marketing Specialist

Meet a marketing specialist at major retailer, Macy’s, and hear him explain how he successfully uses his social media skills to recruit top employees and help promote the company’s brand nationwide.

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From: cetconnect

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Social Media Minute ~ Facebook Insights~Be online when your audience is!

Social Media Minute~Today we are talking about FB Insights and how to use them to reach your audience when they are actually online!

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From: Amber Slocum

Related topics : social media audience insights / online social media / social media today

Social Media For Beginners - A Definition

What is social media? Why does it matter for my blog, brand and business?

Well, the different social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn are proving to be good sources of relationships and leads in their own unique ways.

We will be doing series of training tutorials on each and how we use them for clients and our own businesses. We are still learning so much ourselves!

For now, slowly build your presence in each. Create a business page in Facebook and Google+ along...

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From: Manifest Income

Related topics : social media branding for business / social media plan definition / social media blogs

Recorded Future: Monitoring Social Media Authors

In this tutorial, we show how Recorded Future's real-time threat intelligence platform can be used to identify top social media authors discussing an event - in this case, a hacking operation. After identifying the top influencers for this hacking operation, we can monitor their twitter handles and generate email alerts for mentions future mentions of information security events or operations.

See how Recorded Future can empower you to stay one step ahead of the adversary. Get started by...

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From: RecordedFuture

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Men VS Women On Social Media | MostlySane | Latest Funny Videos

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Hey lovers, people think men and women don’t use Social Media the same way, but here are 5 reasons how they are similar in the way they use it. Do let me know how you like the video in the comments below. Love Love

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From: MostlySane

Related topics : why use social media

All Marketing is Digital Marketing - LeWeb London 2013

All Marketing is Digital Marketing: Top Brands Share All

All companies are behaving more like media and tech companies. It started with web, then added social, and now mobile and new technologies emerge at a rapid pace. Learn from today's top brands on how they use digital technologies to connect with their customers. Find out what their internal goals are, what technologies they've deployed and what they plan on rolling out in the future.

Moderator: Jeremiah Owyang, Partner, Altimeter...

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From: LeWeb

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More sexual predators using social media to lure children, FBI says

Give a child or teenager some free time and chances are they are going to spend a lot of it in front of a screen.

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From: CBS North Carolina

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