Sweet Side Jobs Marketing & Advertising
Optimizing your social media marketing for conversions
We offer social media marketing solutions from small businesses to large. Use our pricing grid to compare the costs of our most popular social media management packages. We also recognize that one size does not fit all. Do you post around six updates per week, but cater to readers on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr? We can easily switch out Google Plus in the Econo package to fit your needs. Not sure what social...
From: Sweet Side Jobs
Related topics : social media marketing small business / using social media marketing / social media small business strategy / social media marketing strategy / social media for small business
TALK2US - How Do You Use Social Media?
Dr. Jill Robbins and Kaveh Rezaei talk with callers about how they use social media. They tell us the differences between Twitter and Facebook.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/media/video/talk2us-social-media/3018599.html
From: VOA Learning English
Related topics : using social media / social media social
Social Media Marketing Facebook Tutorial Part 2
http://www.kershmedia.co.uk Kent based Social Media Marketing agency and Online Video Marketing agency Kersh Media, offer new media marketing, online media marketing, Facebook marketing, video marketing and video content production. We will help your business or organisation develop a social media marketing strategy using Facebook groups and other relevent social media networks. And we'll help you with social media marketing services. We are based in Kent close to London.To find out more about...
From: KentVideoProduction
Related topics : social media marketing agency uk / social media network marketing services / business using social media / social media help / social media content
Add Custom Link to Social Media Widget
http://www.interactivesavvy.com - Learn how to create a custom social media button and link in WordPress using the Social Media Widget. In our example, we are adding a Meetup button.
From: mrktgsavvy
Related topics : social media links wordpress / social media widget / using social media / social media social
Debt Collection Agency Marketing Talk - Social Media and Debt Collections
Debt Collection Agency Marketing Consultant John Nemo spoke to members of the debt collection industry in Madison, Wisconsin, during the fall of 2012 on the role of Social Media in debt collections. He offered tips on Social Media for Marketing and how to use Social Media to your advantage.
Learn more about John Nemo and Nemo Media Group online at http://www.NemoMediaGroup.com
From: John Nemo
Related topics : social media marketing agency / using social media marketing / social media online marketing / social media tips / social media agency
Social Media and Public Speaking
Christine Pilkington talks about using social media to build credibility help with public speaking.
From: Christine Pilkington
Related topics : why use social media / social media help
Video Blog about Social Media Safety
Video blog about social media safety. Avoid the risks while still enjoy using your social networking sites.
From: Mary Hope Torrechante
Related topics : social media blogs / social media network sites / social networking sites blog / using social media
Social media marketing for SMBs with Breeze Social at SES New York 2011
Byron Gordon, SEO-PR, interviews Shawn Ryan, Breeze Social, exhibitor at SES New York, 2011. Breeze Social is a social media marketing tool built specifically for small and midsized businesses. With Breeze Social, SMB's have the ability to post to social media, see what's being said to and about them, engage their customers, and measure their results. They can become social media savvy without having to become social media industry insiders. Breeze Social gives you a score on how you, as a...
From: SES Events
Related topics : social media marketing small business / social media tools for small business / using social media marketing / social media reputation management tools / social media marketing companies
Digital Media/Social Media Mashup
Made for my Digital Media/Social Media class in November 2012. I do not own any rights to the videos used.
From: Steph34km
Related topics : social media mashup / using social media
Latinos In Social Media
Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?
From: LatinoSocialMedia
Related topics : using social media / social media social