How Social Media is Used Globally #Socialography

How do geography and social media affect each other, people and places around the world? Introducing #Socialography.

Some interesting statistics showing just how important social media is becoming and how many people are adapting to a new technology and way of communicating.

The #Socialography video is only a fractional representation of how geography and social media relate. Social media connects to environmental geography, political geography, social...

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From: Link Humans

Related topics : social media connection / social media statistics

How to build your brand using Social Media

Lauren Ratcliffe provides tips on how to build your brand using Social Media

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From: Fazal Ullah

Related topics : social media brand building / social media branding / social media tips

The Value of Social Media in Crisis Communication

Suzanne Bernier, President of SB Crisis Consulting, discusses the value of using social media in crisis communications, including how social media can help get information to the necessary channels quickly and accurately

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From: ContinuityMag

Related topics : social media crisis communications / social media help / social media consultant

Building You Network Marketing Business With Social Media

Traci Schumacher discusses why using social media to build your Network Marketing business is critical if you want to keep up with the changing industry.

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From: Traci Palo

Related topics : social media network marketing

Ginger : A social media case study by Social Wavelength

Social media is an extremely powerful tool and depending on its strategic use, you can employ it to increase fan interaction, engagement & brand loyalty. You can also effectively use it to turn fans into customers. Here's a case study highlighting how Ginger Hotels achieved ROI using Social Media.

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From: Social Wavelength

Related topics : social media roi case study / social media engagement / social media branding

Social Media & Non Profits Partners in Hope

As social media permeates our lives more & more, non-profits are under-utilizing social media to their detriment. This video provides a few facts about social media use by non-profits and some food for thought for those running non-profits.

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From: Lorraine Gregory Communications

Related topics : social media partners / using social media

How CBD Uses Social Media Analytics Tools for Agencies

Social media analytics tools for agencies help companies, like CBD Marketing, to understand their clients' target audience and compete with bigger agencies.

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From: NetBase

Related topics : social media analytics tools / social media agency / social media marketing companies / social media help / social media companies

Free Social Media Publishing Tools

Free Social Media Publishing Tools

This is the free social media publishing tools i have found.. The best social posting tool that I have used to post to multiple social networks all at once, and it is totally automated! ok it's not free! It's pennies a day

More videos over here...

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From: Bert Bledsoe

Related topics : free social media tools / social network publishing tools

Buzz2010 Wendy Harman of the Red Cross talks Social Media and Risk

At Buzz2010's July 12th breakfast, Social Media Manager Wendy Harman from the Red Cross discussed the importance of listening on the social web and the future of disaster response using social media with SmartBrief's Emily Molitor.

The American Red Cross used social media to generate and collect donations in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, but in dealing with future disasters it hopes to also use social tools to steer help to those in need. The nonprofit is working on systems to...

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From: smartbrief

Related topics : using social media / social media management tools / social media listening tools / manage social media / social media help

Latinos In Social Media

Latinos In Social Media: How do you use social media?

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From: LatinoSocialMedia

Related topics : using social media / social media social

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